Big chess - Game 136207

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Game result  (chess)

G. Cesbron, 2144
B. Ozen, 2251


See game 147037

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_A__000007       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 136207  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2022 December 30   0:19:35

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2022.06.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2186"]
[BlackElo "1945"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 m15-m13 3.m2-m4 j15-k13 4.l1-p5 k16-h15 5.e2-e4 p16-o14 6.f1-b5 l16-p12 7.n2-n3 n15-n14 8.o1-f9 o16-j11 9.p5-j11 k13-j11 10.o7-l7 j11-l12 11.d2-d3 e15-e13 12.c1-k8 b16-c14 13.p1-n2 f16-c13 14.l7-c7 c13-h8 15.b1-c3 h16-o10 16.h3-h4 h15-j13 17.n2-o4 d15-d14 18.g1-h3 c16-h11 19.f9-h11 g13-h11 20.h3-g5 m13-m12 21.c7-h7 o10-k10 22.g5-j6 h8-c3 23.b2-c3 h11-f12 24.h7-g7 e16-e14 25.g7-k10 l12-k10 26.a1-b1 c14-d12 27.b5-d7 g15-g13 28.b1-b15 e14-e15 29.e1-b1 j16-h15 30.m1-m3 c15-c14 31.m3-l3 l15-l14 32.l3-l10 k10-h11 33.l10-b10 d12-b13 34.b15-e15 g16-e15 35.j6-h8 m16-m13 36.d7-g4 m13-k13 37.k8-j7 k13-k10 38.g4-p12 o14-p12 39.j1-j2 q16-m16 40.b10-k10 h11-k10 41.k1-l3 m16-m13 42.b1-b6 a16-m16 43.q1-b1 m13-o13 44.b6-p6 q15-q13 45.b1-b6 m16-m13 46.h8-f9 o13-o9 47.f9-d10 o9-a9 48.b6-a6 a9-d9 49.p6-d6 d9-d6 50.a6-d6 j13-l12 51.d6-a6 m13-j13 52.j7-a15 b13-a15 53.a6-a15 f12-g14 54.d10-c12 d14-d13 55.c12-e13 j13-j9 56.e13-g14 e15-g14 57.a15-f15 h15-j16 58.f15-a15 j9-b9 59.h2-f3 c14-c13 60.l3-j4 p12-n11 61.c3-c4 o15-o14 62.a15-a13 b9-c9 63.j4-g5 g14-f12 64.j2-h3 c13-c12 65.f3-d4 p15-p13 66.a2-a4 l12-j11 67.a4-a5 j11-g12 68.d4-b5 c9-c6 69.q2-q4 g12-e13 70.p2-p3 e13-d11 71.f2-f4 d11-c9 72.f4-f5 c9-b11 73.a13-a14 k10-j12 74.g5-e6 c6-c9 75.g2-g4 c9-a9 76.a14-a9 b11-a9 77.a5-a6 f12-d11 78.k4-h5 j12-h10 79.g4-g5 h10-f9 80.g5-g6 f9-d10 81.h5-f6 d11-c9 82.h3-g4 j16-h15 83.o4-m3 n11-m9 84.c4-c5 h15-g14 85.d3-d4 g14-f13 86.d4-d5 f13-e12 87.c2-c4 e12-d11 88.c5-c6 d11-c10 89.e6-d8 c10-d9 90.d8-b7 d10-c8 91.b5-c7 d9-d10 92.b7-a9 c8-a9 93.f6-e8 c9-e8 94.c7-e8 d10-d9 95.e8-c7 d9-c8 96.c7-b5 c8-b8 97.e4-e5 a9-c8 98.d5-d6 c8-b6 99.c4-c5 b6-a4 100.c6-c7 b8-a8 101.c5-c6 a4-c5 102.g4-g5 c5-a6 103.g5-f6 a6-b4 104.b5-d4 a8-a7 105.c7-c8 a7-b6 106.c6-c7 b6-b7 107.c8-c9 b7-c8 108.c9-c10 c8-c9 109.c10-c11 c9-c10 110.d4-e6 b4-d5 111.f6-g5 c10-c11 112.e6-f8 c11-d10 113.f8-g10 k15-k13 114.g10-j9 n14-n13 115.j9-k11 j14-j13 116.k11-l13 m9-l11 117.m3-l5 d5-e3 118.l2-l3 e3-f1 119.l5-j4 d10-e9 120.e5-e6 e9-f8 121.f5-f6 f8-g9 122.d6-d7 g9-h10 123.e6-e7 h10-j11 124.c7-c8 j11-k12 125.l13-k15 l11-j12 126.d7-d8 k12-l11 127.c8-c9 l11-l10 128.e7-e8 l10-l9 129.f6-f7 l9-l8 130.l3-l4 l8-k8 131.d8-d9 k8-j7 132.h4-h5 j7-j8 133.c9-c10 j8-j7 134.h5-h6 j7-j8 135.g6-g7 j8-h7 136.g5-h5 h7-j8 137.h5-j6 j8-j9 138.j6-h7 j9-h9 139.g7-g8 h9-g9 140.h7-g7 g9-g10 141.f7-f8 g10-h11 142.g8-g9 h11-j10 143.g7-g8 j10-j9 144.h6-h7 j9-k8 145.e8-e9 k8-j7 146.h7-h8 j7-j6 147.h8-h9 j6-j5 148.j4-l5 f1-h2 149.h9-h10 h2-j4 150.k2-k4 j5-h5 151.h10-h11 j12-k10 152.g9-g10 j4-l5 153.k4-l5 j13-j12 154.k15-h14 j12-h11 155.h14-f15 g13-g12 156.f15-h14 h11-g10 157.h14-g12 k10-h11 158.g12-e11 h11-f12 159.g8-g9 h5-j4 160.e11-g10 f12-e14 161.g10-e11 e14-c15 162.f8-f9 j4-j3 163.f9-f10 c12-c11 164.f10-f11 d13-d12 165.e11-g10 j3-h4 166.f11-f12 h4-g5 167.f12-f13 c15-d13 168.g10-h12 g5-f6 169.g9-f8 f6-e6 170.f8-e8 e6-f6 171.h12-f11 f6-g7 172.f11-d12 g7-g8 173.d12-e10 g8-h9 174.e10-c11 d13-f14 175.d9-d10 h9-g10 176.d10-d11 g10-f11 177.c11-e12 1-0

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Chess books should be used as we use glasses: to assist the sight, although some players make use of them as if they thought they conferred sight. (Jose Raul Capablanca)

Im Schach nämlich geht es darum, daß Ich des Gegners klein zu kriegen, sein Ego zu zerbrechen und zu zermahlen, seine Selbstachtung zu zertreten und zu verscharren und seine ganze mißachtenswerte sogenannte Persönlichkeit ein für alle Mal tot zu hacken und zu zerstampfen und dadurch die menschliche Gesellschaft von einer stinkenden Pestbeule zu befreien. Es ist ein königliches Spiel. (Robert James Fischer)

La enorme capacidad mental, en la que sin ella no puede un jugador de Ajedrez existir, es demasiado requerida por el Ajedrez al grado de que nunca podrá liberar su mente de este juego. (Albert Einstein)

La vérité est comme le meilleur coup aux échecs : elle existe, mais il faut la chercher. (Arturo Perez-Reverte)

If you lose the game you should win the analysis! (Proverb)

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