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FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_M__000130 (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1/2-1/2 2022 July 20 16:6:41 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_M__000130"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.05.07"] [Round "1"] [White "Ligon,Scott"] [Black "LaDuke,Matt"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2298"] [BlackElo "2223"] 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.d4 Bb4+ 5.Bd2 a5 6.Bg2 O-O 7.Qc2 Be7 8.O-O c6 9.Rd1 Nbd7 10.Bf4 h6 11.Nbd2 Nh5 12.Be3 Bd6 13.a3 b6 14.Qc3 Bb7 15.b4 f5 16.c5 bxc5 17.dxc5 Bc7 18.Bd4 Ba6 19.Ne5 Nxe5 20.Bxe5 Nf6 21.Re1 Bxe5 22.Qxe5 Re8 23.Nf3 Rc8 24.Nd4 Qc7 25.Qe3 Kh7 26.Rab1 g6 27.a4 axb4 28.Rxb4 e5 29.Nxc6 Qxc6 30.Rb6 Qxc5 31.Qxc5 Rxc5 32.Rxa6 Kg7 33.Ra7+ Kf8 34.a5 Re7 35.Rxe7 Kxe7 36.Ra1 Rc7 37.a6 Ra7 38.Bf1 Nd7 39.e3 Kd6 40.Bb5 e4 41.Rc1 Ne5 42.Rc8 Nf3+ 43.Kg2 Rc7 44.Rd8+ Ke6 45.Ra8 Ne1+ 46.Kh3 Kd6 47.Rb8 Ke5 48.Rb6 g5 49.Rc6 Ra7 50.Rc1 Nf3 51.Kg2 h5 52.Ra1 h4 53.Bc6 h3+ 54.Kh1 d4 55.exd4+ Nxd4 56.Ra5+ Kd6 57.Bb7 Ne6 58.Rd5+ Kc7 59.Rxf5 Nd8 60.Bxe4 Rxa6 61.Rc5+ Kd6 62.Rc1 g4 63.Bf5 Ra4 64.Rd1+ Ke7 65.Rd7+ Ke8 66.Bxg4 Rxg4 67.Rh7 Nf7 68.Rxh3 Ke7 69.Kg2 Rb4 70.Rh4 Rb3 71.Re4+ Kd7 72.h4 Kd6 73.g4 Ne5 74.h5 Kd5 75.Rf4 Rb7 76.Kg3 Rb1 77.Kh4 Ke6 78.Kg5 Nf7+ 79.Kg6 1/2-1/2 ECO code : A05 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below : Reti Opening Kingside Castling by player Black (move 6) Kingside Castling by player White (move 8) 10 pieces endgame at move 66 : White KRBPPP , Black KRNP WHITE : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Knight 1 Pawn 9 pieces endgame at move 66 : White KRPPP , Black KRNP WHITE : King + 1 Rook 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Knight 1 Pawn 8 pieces endgame at move 68 : White KRPPP , Black KRN WHITE : King + 1 Rook 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Knight This chess game ended in a draw. Follow this game move after move (download) Bobby just drops the pieces and they fall on the right squares. (Miguel Najdorf) Ich bin Weltmeister und muß mit niemandem irgend etwas diskutieren. (Viswanathan Anand) Por la belleza de sus partidas, la claridad de su juego y lo brillante de sus ideas, Fischer se creó el mismo como un artista de la misma estatura como Brahms, Rembrandt y Shakespeare. (David Levy) Ce n'est pas pour s'amuser qu'il joue aux échecs : il célèbre un culte. (Vladimir Nabokov) You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent. (Revolver, movie)
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