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FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_M__000100 (type : rated round-robin, time : 40 days, increment : 40 days / 10 moves)
Last move : 1/2-1/2 2022 July 19 23:32:13 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__CLASS_M__000100"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.05.07"] [Round "1"] [White "Gounant,Stanislas"] [Black "LaDuke,Matt"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2215"] [BlackElo "2223"] 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 c6 4.Bg2 d5 5.Qa4 Bg7 6.cxd5 Nxd5 7.Nf3 Bg4 8.Nbd2 O-O 9.O-O Na6 10.e4 Ndb4 11.h3 Be6 12.a3 Nd3 13.Rd1 Qd7 14.Bf1 Nxc1 15.Raxc1 Bxh3 16.Bxa6 bxa6 17.Rxc6 Rab8 18.b3 Rbd8 19.Rc4 Be6 20.d5 Bg4 21.Qxd7 Rxd7 22.Rdc1 e6 23.Rc7 Rxc7 24.Rxc7 exd5 25.exd5 Rc8 26.Rxa7 Rd8 27.Rxa6 Rxd5 28.Ra8+ Bf8 29.b4 Kg7 30.Kg2 Bf5 31.Re8 Be6 32.Kf1 g5 33.Nc4 Rd3 34.Rxe6 fxe6 35.Nxg5 Rc3 36.Nxe6+ Kf7 37.Ng5+ Kg8 38.Ne3 Rxa3 39.Nd5 Rd3 40.Nf6+ Kh8 41.Nfxh7 Be7 42.Ke2 Rd5 43.f4 Kg8 44.g4 Rd4 45.Ke3 Rxb4 46.f5 Rb3+ 47.Kd4 Rb6 48.f6 Bxf6+ 49.Nxf6+ Rxf6 50.Ke5 1/2-1/2 ECO code : E60 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below : King's Indian : 3.g3 Kingside Castling by player Black (move 8) Kingside Castling by player White (move 9) 10 pieces endgame at move 38 : White KNNPPP , Black KRBP WHITE : King + 2 Knights 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 1 Pawn 9 pieces endgame at move 41 : White KNNPPP , Black KRB WHITE : King + 2 Knights 3 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 8 pieces endgame at move 45 : White KNNPP , Black KRB WHITE : King + 2 Knights 2 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 7 pieces endgame at move 48 : White KNNP , Black KRB WHITE : King + 2 Knights 1 Pawn BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 6 pieces endgame at move 49 : White KNNP , Black KR WHITE : King + 2 Knights 1 Pawn BLACK : King + 1 Rook 5 pieces endgame at move 49 : White KNP , Black KR WHITE : King + 1 Knight 1 Pawn BLACK : King + 1 Rook This chess game ended in a draw. Follow this game move after move (download) Capture of the adverse King is the ultimate but not the first object of the game. (William Steinitz) Taktik ist was man tun muß, wenn etwas zu tun ist. Strategie ist was man tun muß, wenn nichts zu tun ist. (Savielly Grigorievitsch Tartakower) Desconfianza es la característica mas necesaria de un jugador de Ajedrez. (Siegbert Tarrasch) Les ravages du H expliquent la différence de niveau entre Tal et Thal [Abergel]. Art is not a thing, it is a way. (Elbert Hubbard)
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