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FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000021 ![]() (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1-0 2022 October 14 19:35:6 [Event "FICGS__GO__WCH_TOURNAMENT__000021"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2022.03.14"] [Round "1"] [Black "Gueci,Alberto"] [White "Brand Lyard,Paul"] [Result "1-0"] [Rating 1 "0351"] [Rating 2 "0117"] 1.q16 r16 2.r17 r18 3.r15 s15 4.s16 a2 5.d4 t15 6.d16 a19 7.q4 t1 8.q10 p10 9.p11 q13 10.p9 o8 11.o10 n10 12.k16 j16 13.j15 j14 14.j17 h16 15.k15 l15 16.r14 s13 17.k14 k13 18.l14 m13 19.l13 k7 20.n9 n8 21.m9 l9 22.m10 l4 23.h15 g15 24.g16 g17 25.f16 f15 26.e15 e16 27.e17 f18 28.f14 f13 29.g13 g14 30.h14 s2 31.r3 s4 32.s3 r4 33.q5 p4 34.p3 o13 35.r13 n13 36.m8 m7 37.l8 k9 38.l7 t3 39.r6 f9 40.o17 r2 41.f4 e4 42.q3 q2 43.o3 o4 44.e5 d5 45.e3 e2 46.m3 r10 47.q8 d12 48.d9 f8 49.k6 p15 50.r12 m17 51.j6 s7 52.r7 q7 53.e10 p6 54.d7 c7 55.c8 b8 56.c6 h6 57.h5 n14 58.o16 h3 59.f2 g2 60.d2 b15 61.c14 j11 62.j4 j3 63.l3 h11 64.f10 n16 65.o15 h9 66.g10 f11 67.b14 o5 68.r9 s9 69.s8 l11 70.j7 n2 71.n3 n4 72.c11 o12 73.k18 l18 74.n18 k3 75.k4 n6 76.m5 n5 77.m4 l5 78.l6 k5 79.j5 g7 80.m6 h7 81.j8 g6 82.e7 s11 83.t8 o1 84.l2 m11 85.e18 d18 86.c18 j12 87.l12 b10 88.c10 q18 89.q17 b3 90.c2 j1 91.p18 b12 92.c12 b6 93.b7 h19 94.n11 e14 95.b5 b1 96.k2 m1 97.o2 a17 98.g5 t18 99.s17 b16 100.c13 p14 101.q15 c4 102.c3 a4 103.c17 f1 104.f3 t6 105.s6 k10 106.n15 t13 107.b2 e6 108.j9 d1 109.g12 p19 110.b4 a5 111.c5 o7 112.n7 f6 113.s14 h1 114.m7 a11 115.l17 s19 116.m18 k19 117.k17 r1 118.s18 q11 119.p1 n19 120.r11 k1 121.j2 e8 122.a3 d19 123.c19 b17 124.q14 t17 125.o18 t11 126.p8 b19 127.b18 p16 128.s12 a6 129.b11 a9 130.m2 t16 131.s10 m19 132.e1 g19 133.m16 e19 134.g1 a14 135.d17 t12 136.q12 s5 137.a7 a6 138.h10 g9 139.n1 a4 140.h17 j18 141.a18 a19 142.d6 o19 143.h18 f17 144.p17 t10 145.h2 g15 146.l1 a15 147.l19 d11 148.d10 c9 149.b9 d14 150.d8 a13 151.c1 j1 152.d15 q1 153.h12 f12 154.l10 r19 155.h8 g3 156.a5 t9 157.a10 t4 158.r8 p2 159.h13 n12 160.c15 c16 161.a12 f19 162.o1 p5 163.q19 o19 164.j19 q6 165.g18 f19 166.a8 g19 167.f5 j16 168.e19 m19 169.o9 e13 170.n17 p13 171.e11 h19 172.f18 s1 173.t2 t14 174.p12 a16 175.l16 m15 176.g11 r5 177.a11 g19 178.p19 k12 179.h4 k5 180.p7 k1 181.l4 f15 182.pass f19 183.pass t5 184.o14 m14 185.pass p2 186.q2 f17 187.g17 j13 188.d13 r2 189.g8 q1 190.r1 s2 191.s1 r2 192.s2 e9 193.pass d18 194.d19 k11 195.pass o11 196.n10 r10 197.b19 g14 198.b6 t19 199.pass pass 200.pass pass 201.f7 f9 202.o6 o4 203.s10 t12 204.t7 g6 205.g4 t15 206.l5 s5 207.j10 s19 208.k8 s4 209.m12 o13 210.f14 n14 211.e12 n13 212.b13 g3 213.h19 g19 214.f19 p6 215.h1 e8 216.n19 a15 217.h16 a16 218.a1 n12 219.pass a14 220.pass k1 221.j1 k11 222.pass t17 223.pass pass 224.pass pass 225.pass pass 226.pass pass 227.pass pass 228.pass pass 229.pass n5 230.pass j13 231.pass e14 232.pass pass 233.pass pass 234.pass f13 235.pass e6 236.pass p5 237.pass t5 238.pass t9 239.pass r5 240.pass h7 241.pass o7 242.pass m13 243.pass k9 244.pass j3 245.pass pass 246.pass p4 247.pass a17 248.pass d12 249.pass pass 250.pass h9 251.g9 h11 252.j11 m15 253.pass pass 254.pass k12 255.pass c16 256.b16 o5 257.n6 p15 258.pass r4 259.q6 p14 260.n4 g15 261.pass p4 262.p13 o8 263.n8 o4 264.p16 o5 265.t6 l11 266.t4 p5 267.pass m14 268.o12 s4 269.l15 r5 270.s5 n13 271.r4 t11 272.p6 a13 273.n5 f8 274.e9 q18 275.r18 f8 276.pass m14 277.pass p5 278.pass t10 279.pass p4 280.pass t13 281.t14 o7 282.o8 f6 283.g7 h3 284.k3 t19 285.g2 h3 286.h6 f6 287.b15 o4 288.b17 n14 289.o5 p4 290.e13 f11 291.f12 s9 292.d11 a14 293.s11 p14 294.p15 m15 295.s13 r19 296.t18 t10 297.pass p5 298.o4 k13 299.k10 j3 300.g3 a16 301.pass s19 302.d14 j12 303.l9 a15 304.m11 t12 305.j14 k13 306.a13 n12 307.a17 f15 308.g14 o13 309.m13 k12 310.t16 j12 311.k11 n13 312.j13 m14 313.n14 s9 314.t9 t11 315.t13 t11 316.m15 e6 317.g6 1-0 Here are the names of the openings (joseki) played in the four corners : Corner q16 : q16 r16 Hoshi (Hwajeom, Seongjeom, Xingwei`) 4-4 Point. The star or hoshi (4-4) point, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory. Corner d4 : a2 d4 This joseki is unknown. A weak or weird move has probably been played in this corner. Corner d16 : d16 a19 Hoshi (Hwajeom, Seongjeom, Xingwei`) 4-4 Point. The star or hoshi (4-4) point, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory. Corner q4 : q4 t1 Hoshi (Hwajeom, Seongjeom, Xingwei`) 4-4 Point. The star or hoshi (4-4) point, emphasizing influence at the potential expense of territory. Player Black won this Go (weiqi, baduk) game. Follow this game move after move ![]() Extend one hand from the cutting points. (Anonymous) The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life. (Andrew Brown)
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