Sicilian: Alapin's variation (2.c3) - Game 135316

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T. Mirra, 2279
M. LaDuke, 2262


See game 146628

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FICGS__CHESS__WCH_STAGE_1_GROUP_SM_01__000025       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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Last move : 1/2-1/2     2022 June 25   18:36:19

[Event "FICGS__CHESS__WCH_STAGE_1_GROUP_SM_01__000025"]
[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2022.03.14"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Gray,Garvin"]
[Black "Simal Moreira,Leonardo"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2321"]
[BlackElo "2320"]

1.e4 c5 2.c3 Nf6 3.e5 Nd5 4.Nf3 d6 5.d4 cxd4 6.cxd4 Nc6 7.Bc4 Nb6 8.Bb5 dxe5 9.Nxe5 Bd7 10.Nxd7 Qxd7 11.Nc3 e6 12.O-O a6 13.Bxc6 Qxc6 14.Be3 Nd5 15.Rc1 Be7 16.Qf3 Rd8 17.Ne4 Qd7 18.Qg3 Kf8 19.h4 h6 20.h5 Kg8 21.Qf3 f5 22.Nc5 Bxc5 23.dxc5 Nxe3 24.Qxe3 Kh7 25.a3 Qf7 26.Rfd1 Qxh5 27.Rd6 Rxd6 28.cxd6 Rd8 29.Qd3 1/2-1/2

  ECO code : B22 , the name of the chess opening is displayed below :

Sicilian : Alapin's variation (2.c3)

Kingside Castling by player White (move 12)

This chess game ended in a draw.

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If your opponent cannot do anything active, then don't rush the position; instead you should let him sit there, suffer, and beg you for a draw. (Jeremy Silman)

Ich moechte nie einem Club beitreten, der Leute wie mich als Mitglieder aufnimmt. (Woody Allen)

Una clavada es mas poderosa que una espada. (Fred Reinfeld)

La tactique, c'est ce que vous faites quand il y a quelque chose à faire; la stratégie, c'est ce que vous faites quand il n'y a rien à faire. (Savielli Tartacower)

The smarter you play, the luckier you'll be. (Mark Pilarski)

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