Big chess - Game 132168

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F. Vasquez, 2079
J. Salonen, 2018


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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__STANDARD_SILVER__000037       See crosstable
(type : rated knockout,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 132168  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2022 September 16   2:27:5

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2021.09.07"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Zidu,Jan"]
[Black "Kruse,Herbert"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2218"]
[BlackElo "2119"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h2-g4 j15-k13 3.h1-o7 p16-o14 4.m2-m4 m15-m13 5.e2-e4 h16-q8 6.l1-p5 k16-h15 7.f1-b5 g16-j15 8.k1-h2 e15-e13 9.d2-d3 b16-c14 10.c1-l9 q8-f8 11.b1-c3 d15-d13 12.e1-e3 c16-e14 13.n2-n3 l16-p12 14.o1-f9 n15-n14 15.e3-f3 f8-j8 16.p1-o3 f16-b12 17.f9-g10 j8-j13 18.g1-j2 o16-f8 19.o7-j7 j13-j7 20.l9-j7 k13-j11 21.g10-d7 j11-h9 22.j7-g5 e14-o5 23.d7-g10 h9-g7 24.g10-d13 g7-e6 25.g5-e3 a16-d16 26.d13-h9 e6-g7 27.h9-g10 j15-h13 28.l2-l3 h13-f12 29.g10-d7 d16-d11 30.e3-h6 g7-h9 31.h6-f8 h9-f8 32.d7-f9 d11-p11 33.q2-q4 p12-l8 34.o3-n5 l8-h11 35.a1-e1 h11-f9 36.b5-f9 p11-b11 37.f9-g8 f12-g10 38.j2-h4 m16-m14 39.f3-f5 o5-k9 40.f5-b5 b11-b5 41.c3-b5 e16-d16 42.n5-l6 d16-d12 43.h2-j4 j16-j15 44.j1-h2 q16-d16 45.m4-m5 m14-l14 46.m1-m4 b12-c13 47.m4-o4 d12-b12 48.a2-a4 d16-d12 49.e1-e3 d12-o12 50.e3-f3 c13-h8 51.b2-b3 h8-j9 52.o4-o12 b12-o12 53.k4-m3 j9-h10 54.p5-o4 h10-o4 55.m3-o4 k9-e14 56.q1-m1 l14-l9 57.m1-m4 h15-j13 58.m4-k4 g13-h11 59.k4-k8 h11-j9 60.g8-k5 l9-l8 61.k8-l8 j9-l8 62.f3-f7 a15-a13 63.g4-e5 l15-l14 64.l6-j7 l8-j7 65.f7-j7 j13-k11 66.k5-l6 k11-j9 67.j7-b7 o12-b12 68.b7-b12 c14-b12 69.j4-g5 b15-b14 70.h4-g6 e14-l8 71.g6-f8 g10-f8 72.o4-n6 o14-n12 73.n6-l7 f15-f14 74.f2-f3 l8-k7 75.l6-k7 j9-k7 76.g5-j6 k7-m6 77.j6-l5 n12-o10 78.h2-j2 o10-p8 79.j2-k3 p8-o6 80.l3-l4 f8-h7 81.e5-g4 b12-c10 82.l7-n6 c10-d8 83.b5-d4 d8-f7 84.n6-p5 f7-h8 85.k3-l3 h8-g6 86.k2-k3 g6-f4 87.g4-e3 q15-q13 88.n3-n4 m6-l8 89.l5-m3 l8-j7 90.k3-k4 p15-p14 91.o2-o3 h14-h13 92.p2-p4 o6-m7 93.p5-n6 n14-n13 94.l3-k3 n13-n12 95.n6-m4 o15-o13 96.d4-f5 o13-o12 97.l4-l5 p14-p13 98.j3-j4 p13-p12 99.k3-j3 q13-q12 100.m4-k3 o12-o11 101.k4-k5 p12-p11 102.g2-g3 f4-e6 103.h3-h4 q12-q11 104.k5-k6 j7-g6 105.f3-f4 q11-q10 106.j4-j5 p11-p10 107.j3-j4 q10-q9 108.h4-h5 g6-h8 109.l5-l6 m7-o8 110.q4-q5 o8-q7 111.j4-k5 q7-p5 112.m3-n5 h8-k9 113.e3-g4 k9-m8 114.j5-j6 h7-j9 115.k3-m2 j9-l8 116.m2-l4 m8-o7 117.k5-l5 l8-n9 118.l5-m4 o7-n5 119.l4-n5 n9-o7 120.n5-o7 p5-o7 121.o3-o4 o7-m6 122.g4-j3 j15-h14 123.n4-n5 m6-l8 124.m4-l5 h14-j13 125.m5-m6 j13-h12 126.k6-k7 l8-k10 127.j3-k5 k10-h9 128.h5-h6 h9-f8 129.k5-h4 f8-d7 130.h4-f3 d7-f6 131.l6-l7 f6-g4 132.j6-j7 g4-j5 133.k7-k8 j5-k3 134.l5-m5 h12-h11 135.m5-l4 k3-m2 136.l4-m5 g15-g13 137.f3-h2 e6-f8 138.p4-p5 f8-h7 139.f5-g7 h7-j5 140.g7-f9 b14-b13 141.f9-e11 c15-c14 142.e11-f13 m2-k3 143.h2-k3 j5-k3 144.f13-e15 k3-h2 145.e15-c14 a13-a12 146.c14-e15 h2-j4 147.e15-d13 j4-g3 148.d13-f14 g3-e2 149.f14-e12 g13-g12 150.e12-c11 e2-f4 151.c11-b13 f4-e6 152.b3-b4 e6-d4 153.c2-c4 d4-c6 154.b4-b5 c6-e5 155.b13-c11 a12-a11 156.c11-b9 a11-a10 157.b9-c7 e5-d3 158.a4-a5 d3-f2 159.e4-e5 f2-g4 160.m5-l6 g4-h6 161.a5-a6 h11-g10 162.a6-a7 g10-f9 163.c7-a8 h6-f7 164.a8-c9 f7-e5 165.c4-c5 a10-a9 166.c9-b7 e5-d7 167.b7-a9 d7-c5 168.l6-k7 f9-e8 169.a9-c8 e8-d9 170.c8-d6 c5-d7 171.k7-j8 e13-e12 172.j8-h9 e12-e11 173.h9-g9 e11-e10 174.j7-j8 e10-e9 175.g9-f9 d7-c9 176.b5-b6 e9-e8 177.f9-g10 e8-e7 178.d6-c4 d9-c8 179.g10-g11 c8-b7 180.g11-h12 e7-e6 181.h12-j13 g12-g11 182.j13-k14 g11-g10 183.k14-k15 g10-g9 184.k15-j14 b7-c6 185.j14-h13 c6-d5 186.c4-d2 g9-g8 187.j8-j9 g8-g7 188.j9-j10 g7-g6 189.j10-j11 c9-e10 190.a7-a8 g6-g5 191.a8-a9 g5-g4 192.a9-a10 e6-e5 193.a10-a11 e5-e4 194.d2-f1 d5-d4 195.a11-a12 e4-e3 196.f1-g3 d4-d3 197.a12-a13 e3-e2 198.g3-e2 d3-e2 199.a13-a14 e10-f12 200.h13-g12 f12-d13 201.a14-a15 d13-b14 202.g12-f13 g4-g3 203.f13-e14 g3-g2 204.e14-e15 g2-g1 205.e15-d16 g1-g15 206.a15-a16 g15-d15 0-1

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My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don't take these things into consideration. (Bobby Fischer)

Schach verlangt totale Konzentration. (Robert James Fischer)

Tu sabes que vas a perder. Aún cuando tenía la ventaja, yo sabía que iba a perder. - al estar jugando con Fischer (Andrew Soltis)

Le jeu d'échecs fait naître et fortifie en nous plusieurs qualités précieuses dans le cours de l'existence, telles que la prévoyance, la circonspection, la prudence, et la persévérance. (Benjamin Franklin - 1783, la morale des échecs)

Faith : not wanting to know what is true. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

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