Big chess - Game 13207

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F. Vasquez, 2079
J. Salonen, 2018


See game 145735

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000010       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1/2-1/2     2007 December 1   20:27:11

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2007.07.16"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Noble,Mark"]
[Black "Willoughby,Peter"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 p16-o14 3.o7-c7 b16-c14 4.c7-l15 j15-l14 5.h2-g4 m15-m14 6.l15-b6 p15-p14 7.p1-o3 a16-b16 8.e2-e4 e15-e13 9.f1-b5 m16-m15 10.m2-m4 n15-n13 11.d2-d3 d15-d13 12.l1-o4 f16-d14 13.c1-k8 m14-m13 14.n2-n3 c16-h11 15.o1-f9 h11-f9 16.b5-f9 e16-d16 17.k1-h2 e13-e12 18.k8-d14 c15-d14 19.b1-d2 j14-j13 20.d2-c4 a15-a14 21.f2-f4 h16-n11 22.b6-f6 o16-l13 23.o4-p3 l13-m12 24.f6-h6 n11-h6 25.g4-h6 f15-f13 26.g2-g4 g16-j15 27.h2-j4 k15-k13 28.j1-h2 l16-g12 29.g1-f3 c14-e13 30.c4-e5 k16-j14 31.c2-c4 b15-b13 32.b2-b4 j16-k15 33.b4-b5 b16-c16 34.a2-a4 g12-h11 35.f9-h11 g13-h11 36.a4-a5 e13-f11 37.m1-m3 d13-d12 38.a1-a2 c16-c10 39.a5-a6 d14-d13 40.e5-c6 d16-c16 41.d3-d4 o14-n12 42.d4-d5 c16-c11 43.e4-e5 q16-c16 44.f4-f5 f11-e9 45.e5-e6 e9-c8 46.f3-e5 j15-h13 47.h6-f7 g15-g13 48.k4-h5 o15-o13 49.e5-d7 k15-k14 50.l2-l4 m15-l15 51.l4-l5 d12-d11 52.h2-g3 c10-e10 53.j4-g5 c8-e7 54.f7-d8 e10-e11 55.c6-e7 e11-e7 56.d8-c6 e7-k7 57.k2-k4 l14-k12 58.e1-e4 m12-j9 59.q1-k1 j9-p3 60.q2-p3 l15-l10 61.k1-q1 q15-q13 62.a2-a1 c11-c10 63.q1-q4 l10-q10 64.a1-q1 q10-q4 65.q1-q4 n12-l11 66.m3-m1 n13-n12 67.m1-q1 m13-m12 68.e4-e1 m12-m11 69.q4-p4 c16-p16 70.q1-q5 l11-n10 71.q5-p5 n10-o12 72.e1-q1 k12-m13 73.q1-q8 k7-k10 74.q8-a8 p16-a16 75.p5-p14 o12-p14 76.p4-p14 k14-k15 77.p14-p13 k10-q10 78.p13-o13 j14-k12 79.o3-q4 c10-o10 80.a8-o8 o10-o8 81.o13-o8 a16-p16 82.h5-k6 p16-p10 83.o8-o15 k15-j14 84.o15-d15 h13-f12 85.k6-m5 h11-f10 86.d15-a15 p10-g10 87.h3-h4 f10-e8 88.a15-a14 e8-d6 89.d7-e5 g10-o10 90.m5-o4 o10-j10 91.j3-j4 f12-e10 92.a14-b14 e10-c11 93.k4-k5 j10-j11 94.j4-j5 m13-l11 95.k5-k6 k12-h11 96.g5-f7 d6-e4 97.g3-f4 e4-f2 98.e5-g6 f2-h3 99.f4-g3 h3-k4 100.f7-h8 k4-j2 101.g3-h3 j2-l3 102.b14-c14 b13-b12 103.c14-b14 c11-a10 104.h8-k7 l3-n4 105.o4-q3 f13-f12 106.b14-b16 q13-q12 107.b16-o16 n4-l3 108.g6-j7 n12-n11 109.o16-o11 l11-m9 110.k7-m6 k13-k12 111.o11-o14 j14-h13 112.h3-j3 q10-g10 113.g4-g5 q12-q11 114.j3-k3 l3-k1 115.o14-o9 m9-n7 116.o9-q9 q11-q10 117.q3-o4 k1-h2 118.k3-j3 h2-g4 119.j3-h3 g4-e3 120.j7-h9 j11-j9 121.q9-q7 n7-p8 122.h9-f8 g10-f10 123.f8-h7 j9-k9 124.f5-f6 e3-c4 125.c6-e7 c4-d6 126.e7-g8 f10-b10 127.g8-j7 k9-b9 128.q7-q8 q10-q9 129.b5-b6 b9-b6 130.q8-q9 b6-b3 131.h3-j4 p8-o6 132.q9-q11 o6-p4 133.o4-q3 b3-b2 134.q11-n11 p4-o2 135.q3-o2 b2-o2 136.n11-m11 j13-j12 137.m11-m13 h13-h12 138.m13-p13 o2-j2 139.j4-h5 j2-h2 140.p3-p4 d6-f5 141.m6-k5 b10-b4 142.j7-g6 f5-g3 143.h5-j6 b4-a4 144.p4-p5 a4-a6 145.p5-p6 b12-b11 146.p6-p7 b11-b10 147.p7-p8 a10-c9 148.p13-p10 c9-e10 149.p10-p14 h14-h13 150.p14-b14 h2-b2 151.b14-b13 a6-a9 152.b13-d13 a9-p9 153.d13-e13 h11-f10 154.e6-e7 p9-p8 155.k5-j7 g3-f5 156.l5-l6 p8-p4 157.q4-o5 p4-p2 158.m4-m5 b10-b9 159.o5-n7 b9-b8 160.n7-l8 b8-b7 161.h4-h5 b7-b6 162.g6-e5 b6-b5 163.e13-b13 p2-n2 164.m5-m6 n2-n3 165.j7-g6 b5-b4 166.e5-c6 b4-b3 167.c6-a5 e12-e11 168.g6-e5 f5-d4 169.l8-j7 b2-m2 170.e5-c4 e10-c11 171.b13-b11 c11-d9 172.j7-g6 d9-c7 173.d5-d6 c7-b5 174.a5-c6 n3-n2 175.c6-d4 b5-d4 176.b11-b4 n2-n3 177.g6-e5 m2-m6 178.l6-l7 f10-e8 179.c4-a5 e8-d6 180.b4-d4 b3-b2 181.d4-b4 m6-m2 182.a5-c4 d6-c4 183.e5-c4 n3-n2 184.h7-f8 m2-g2 185.f8-e6 g2-e2 186.e6-g7 e2-c2 187.c4-b2 c2-b2 188.b4-d4 d11-d10 189.j6-h6 b2-b5 190.g5-g6 n2-b2 191.f6-f7 b5-b4 192.d4-d8 b4-j4 193.d8-h8 h12-j13 194.e7-e8 b2-j2 195.j5-j6 j4-l4 196.l7-l8 j2-d2 197.k6-k7 e11-e10 198.h8-h10 f12-f11 199.h10-h9 g13-g12 200.h9-a9 d2-c2 201.a9-a10 d10-d9 202.e8-d9 e10-d9 203.a10-d10 c2-d2 204.g7-f9 l4-d4 205.d10-d13 j13-h12 206.f9-e11 d9-d8 207.e11-f13 h12-j11 208.f13-g11 h13-h12 209.g11-h13 j11-h11 210.h13-k12 h11-g11 211.k12-j10 g11-h11 212.j10-k12 h11-g11 213.k12-j10 g11-h11 1/2-1/2

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For me, Chess is life and every game is like a new life. Every Chess player gets to live many lives in one lifetime. (Eduard Gufeld)

Das Schachspiel ist ein See, in welchem eine Mücke baden und ein Elefant ertrinken kann. (Emanuel Lasker)

No solamente yo pronostico su triunfo sobre Botvinnik, sino que me adelanto y digo que probablemente Fischer es el jugador de Ajedrez mas grande que haya existido. (John Collins)

Le plus grand jeu de l'esprit jamais inventé, plus vous l'apprenez, plus vous y prenez du plaisir. (Garry Kasparov)

At last I discovered the true beauty of chess. So I proposed to her. (Dinesh De Silva)

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