Big chess - Game 131588

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B. Ozen, 2251
K. Walton, 2214


See game 147476

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000014       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 131588  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2022 January 24   1:32:20

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2021.07.18"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Hybl,Vladislav"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo "2036"]

1.m2-m4 j15-k13 2.p1-o3 e15-e13 3.j2-k4 h16-o10 4.h2-g4 f16-b12 5.g1-j2 m15-m13 6.e2-e4 l16-p12 7.k1-h2 d15-d14 8.d2-d4 n15-n14 9.n2-n4 o16-f8 10.g2-g3 e13-e12 11.h1-f3 e16-e13 12.f3-f6 p16-o14 13.c1-h6 e13-f13 14.h6-f8 b12-f8 15.f6-l6 h15-g13 16.f1-b5 f8-g7 17.e4-e5 b16-c14 18.b5-k13 j14-k13 19.l6-l15 k16-l14 20.l15-b6 f13-f10 21.b2-b3 f10-b10 22.b6-g6 o10-k10 23.l1-p5 c16-k9 24.p5-k10 k9-g6 25.k10-g7 g6-c2 26.e1-c1 p12-o13 27.b1-a3 c2-k9 28.c1-c9 a16-e16 29.j2-l3 e16-e13 30.g7-c11 b10-a10 31.c11-e13 c14-e13 32.a3-c4 c15-c14 33.o1-f9 g16-j15 34.c9-d9 d14-d13 35.m4-m5 j16-h15 36.m1-m4 e13-f11 37.m4-l4 f11-h10 38.f9-d7 a10-a11 39.d9-d10 g13-j12 40.l4-l6 o14-n12 41.l6-b6 b15-b14 42.b6-c6 m16-c16 43.d10-a10 a11-a10 44.d7-a10 q16-e16 45.c6-f6 f15-f14 46.a10-f5 k9-f5 47.f6-f5 e16-e13 48.a1-e1 e13-g13 49.e1-e3 g13-g9 50.f5-f6 g9-p9 51.o3-q4 n12-l11 52.j1-j2 h10-g8 53.f6-a6 c16-c15 54.b3-b4 j15-g14 55.e3-a3 a15-a13 56.q1-c1 g14-e13 57.c4-e3 c15-e15 58.a6-b6 e13-c12 59.g4-f6 g8-h10 60.f6-e8 e15-e13 61.c1-c10 e13-f13 62.f2-f4 o13-g6 63.b6-g6 h10-f11 64.a3-a6 p15-p14 65.c10-g10 g15-g13 66.h2-f3 h14-h13 67.g10-o10 l14-m16 68.e3-c2 p9-p8 69.a6-e6 p8-q8 70.p2-p3 f13-f12 71.g6-q6 q8-q6 72.e6-q6 q15-q13 73.o10-o6 f12-g12 74.o6-g6 g12-f12 75.q6-h6 h15-h14 76.e8-g9 f11-g9 77.g6-g9 h14-g14 78.o2-o4 f12-f10 79.h6-f6 1-0

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The battle for the ultimate truth will never be won. And that's why Chess is so fascinating. (Hans Kmoch)

Um dein Spiel zu verbessern musst du zuallererst das Endspiel studieren, denn diese kann unabhängig studiert werden. Die Eröffnung und das Mittelspiel müssen immer in Bezug gesetzt werden zum Endspiel. (José Raúl Capablanca)

El Ajedrez es imaginación. (David Bronstein)

Si rien de grave n'est détecté lors de l'analyse d'une position, on joue alors le coup. Seconde règle de Blumenfeld.

Unless I accept my faults I will most certainly doubt my virtues. (Hugh Prather)

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