Big chess - Game 128701

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Game result  (chess)

D. DiAlfonso, 2258
N. Hallqvist, 2161


See game 147093

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000126       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 128701  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2021 November 14   0:54:26

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2021.01.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Ortiz,Jose"]
[Black "Cirulis,Ilmars"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1630"]
[BlackElo "1579"]

1.n2-n4 n15-n13 2.o1-g8 j15-h13 3.e2-e3 h16-p9 4.p2-p3 p9-n9 5.m1-n1 n9-f2 6.g1-f3 f2-l7 7.k1-l3 d15-d14 8.n1-n3 o16-h10 9.g8-o15 m15-m13 10.f1-c4 p16-o14 11.j2-k4 q16-o16 12.l3-m5 l7-n9 13.o15-q13 o14-q13 14.o2-o3 o16-o8 15.m2-m3 l16-o13 16.d2-d3 c16-h11 17.c1-d2 o13-k9 18.e1-f1 b16-d15 19.k2-k3 o8-b8 20.j1-j2 d15-f14 21.d2-e1 n9-l9 22.b1-c3 b8-b2 23.e1-d2 b2-c2 24.a1-d1 h10-b4 25.d1-c1 c2-c1 26.f1-c1 b4-a3 27.e3-e4 a3-c1 28.d2-l9 c1-l9 29.m3-m4 l9-k10 30.h1-f1 k10-c3 31.n3-l3 c3-j9 32.p1-n2 k9-h7 33.n2-o4 h7-j8 34.l3-l15 g16-j15 35.l1-m2 e15-e14 36.m5-k6 j8-k9 37.l15-l9 q13-o12 38.l9-n9 j9-l7 39.n9-k9 h11-k9 40.o4-m5 l7-h10 41.f1-b1 a16-b16 42.b1-b9 h13-j11 43.q1-b1 f14-g12 44.c4-k11 h14-h13 45.b9-e9 m16-l16 46.f3-g5 g15-g14 47.k11-e6 f16-m10 48.g5-h7 l16-l9 49.e9-a5 a15-a14 50.l2-l4 l9-q9 51.a5-d5 q9-q2 52.h2-k1 h10-p3 53.k4-m3 p3-h10 54.j2-k2 e16-h16 55.k2-l3 q2-q8 56.e6-m13 o12-m13 57.d5-m13 m10-h6 58.k3-k4 q8-n8 59.m13-m9 n8-h8 60.b1-b7 b16-g16 61.m9-n9 n13-n12 62.m5-l7 k9-m11 63.j3-j4 b15-b13 64.j4-j5 h6-f4 65.j5-j6 f15-f14 66.b7-f7 f4-g3 67.j6-j7 h10-l7 68.n9-g9 g3-j1 69.l3-k3 h8-h9 70.g9-e7 j1-m4 71.h7-k8 l7-k8 72.j7-k8 m4-k6 73.l4-l5 m11-g6 74.k3-l3 k6-g9 75.e7-f6 g6-f7 76.f6-f7 h9-h8 77.f7-g7 g9-f10 78.g7-c3 g16-g15 79.m2-l1 q15-q13 80.l1-f6 h8-k8 81.f6-p15 h15-j13 82.p15-l11 j15-k13 83.l11-j9 k8-j8 84.j9-n13 j8-j2 85.c3-c14 k16-l14 86.n13-o12 j2-g2 87.c14-a14 g2-g3 88.m3-k2 g3-d3 89.a14-b13 d3-d9 90.o12-n11 l14-j15 91.b13-b7 d9-o9 92.k1-m2 j16-h15 93.b7-b11 h16-a16 94.b11-b15 a16-a2 95.b15-f11 a2-j2 96.f11-l6 o9-j9 97.m2-l4 j2-j8 98.k2-j4 g12-h10 99.l6-e6 e14-e13 100.l4-k6 j8-o8 101.l3-l4 o8-o3 102.e6-f6 j9-f9 103.f6-j6 o3-h3 104.n11-l13 j11-k9 105.j6-g4 h3-h9 106.g4-d7 j13-k11 107.l13-n11 k11-j9 108.e4-e5 f10-h8 109.j4-g5 h8-e5 110.g5-h7 j9-h7 111.k6-h7 e5-h8 112.h7-k8 h9-j9 113.k8-h7 j9-j8 114.l5-l6 j8-n8 115.n11-h6 n8-n4 116.l4-k5 n4-n8 117.k5-j6 n8-j8 118.j6-k7 k9-m8 119.k7-l7 m8-l6 120.l7-l6 j8-j6 121.l6-k5 j6-h6 122.h7-j5 h6-k6 123.k5-l4 f9-l9 124.l4-k3 l9-k9 125.j5-h3 k13-l11 126.d7-g10 h8-j9 127.g10-g4 l11-m9 128.g4-l8 k6-k8 129.l8-l10 n12-n11 130.l10-n10 k8-h8 131.k3-j3 j9-m6 132.h3-j5 m6-k4 133.j3-j4 k4-j5 134.j4-j5 g15-g16 135.n10-j10 g16-l16 136.j10-h10 h8-h10 137.j5-j6 l16-l1 0-1

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I guess a certain amount of temperament is expected of Chess geniuses. (Ron Gross)

Gewöhnliche Menschen denken nur daran, wie sie ihre Zeit verbringen. Ein intelligenter Mensch versucht, sie auszunutzen. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

¿Se han dado cuenta de que Fischer casi nunca ha tenido piezas malas? El las intercambia y las piezas malas se quedan con sus oponenets. (Yuri Balashov)

Je menace de comprendre la position. (Anonyme)

The weakness of an artist is dogma. (Josh Waitzkin)

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