Big chess - Game 128364

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Game result  (chess)

J. Domingo, 2208
S. Ligon, 2364


See game 147068

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_B__000014       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 128364  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2021 June 11   1:2:31

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2020.12.27"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Koivuniemi,Raimo"]
[Black "Ortiz,Jose"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo "1630"]

1.n2-n4 d15-d14 2.o1-g8 n15-n14 3.d2-d4 c16-k9 4.e2-e4 o16-b4 5.c2-c3 b4-g9 6.m2-m4 g9-k6 7.h2-g4 m15-m13 8.j3-j4 m16-m14 9.p1-o3 m14-l14 10.j2-k4 l16-m15 11.k4-h5 k6-c13 12.h1-k3 k9-n12 13.k3-o7 l14-l2 14.o7-o15 l2-o2 15.o15-p15 n12-h7 16.g8-h7 o2-l2 17.k1-l3 j15-l14 18.q1-p1 h16-m12 19.p15-p7 p16-n15 20.p2-p3 q16-p16 21.p7-k7 k15-k14 22.l1-n3 b16-c14 23.h7-m3 m12-p9 24.f1-b5 j16-j15 25.m3-l2 n14-n13 26.n3-p5 m15-p12 27.k7-b7 c13-b14 28.p5-n7 p9-o9 29.q2-q4 o9-o3 30.m1-o1 o3-q5 31.p3-p4 q5-h13 32.b7-l7 b14-m4 33.p1-p2 h13-j13 34.g4-j3 m4-p7 35.g1-j2 p7-n9 36.l7-f7 g16-f14 37.j3-g4 p12-j6 38.o1-o6 j6-o1 39.o6-o1 p16-p7 40.c1-l9 n9-o8 41.p2-o2 o8-n7 42.l9-n7 g15-g14 43.l3-m5 f16-g15 44.f7-g6 n13-n12 45.g2-g3 p7-p4 46.n7-p5 j13-l13 47.j1-k1 l13-b13 48.a2-a4 p4-p2 49.o2-o3 b13-l4 50.m5-n3 l4-n2 51.j2-l3 n2-d11 52.n3-p2 f14-h13 53.l2-m3 d11-d12 54.p5-n3 d12-m12 55.n3-k6 m12-m6 56.h5-j3 g15-d12 57.j3-l4 m6-q6 58.o3-o6 q6-k12 59.k6-d12 h15-g13 60.d12-g9 k12-k3 61.g6-h6 k3-k9 62.o6-o9 k9-m11 63.k1-l2 n12-n11 64.b1-d2 k16-h15 65.l4-k6 f15-f13 66.m3-h7 m11-g11 67.o1-o4 n11-n10 68.o9-o11 g11-g9 69.h6-j6 g9-p9 70.e1-p1 e16-p16 71.h7-q15 p16-p15 72.q15-m11 h13-g15 73.o11-o15 p15-o15 74.m11-n10 o15-o10 75.o4-o10 p9-o10 76.a1-o1 o10-l13 77.p2-n3 m13-m12 78.o1-o15 a16-q16 79.n3-o5 l14-n13 80.o15-o7 a15-a14 81.p1-p8 m12-m11 82.n10-k7 h15-j13 83.p8-l8 l13-h10 84.h3-h4 h10-q2 85.l2-k3 n13-l14 86.o7-o15 q16-p16 87.b5-l14 j13-l14 88.o15-n15 g15-j16 89.l8-l14 p16-p2 90.k6-l4 q2-h10 91.n15-n5 p2-p1 92.n5-h5 h10-p10 93.k7-o11 p10-p2 94.l4-n3 p2-m2 95.h5-m5 m2-l1 96.m5-m1 p1-m1 97.l3-m1 l1-h1 98.k3-l2 h1-o7 99.n3-m5 o7-q5 100.o11-m9 q5-o3 101.j6-m3 o3-p2 102.l2-k3 p2-p9 103.m9-g14 p9-p11 104.m3-j6 j15-k15 105.g14-j16 k15-j16 106.j6-l8 g13-h15 107.l14-l15 p11-p4 108.l15-l16 h15-k16 109.l8-l14 j16-j15 110.l14-l15 j15-j16 111.l16-k16 1-0

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La mitad de las variaciones que son calculadas en una partida de torneo, resultan ser completamente superfluas. Desafortunadamente, nadie sabe por adelantado cual mitad. (Jan Tinman)

La tactique est l'élément le plus important du milieu de jeu. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

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