Big chess - Game 124692

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F. Vasquez, 2079
J. Salonen, 2018


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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_B__000013       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

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a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2021 July 8   1:43:15

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2020.06.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Kohut,Gregory"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1829"]
[BlackElo "2022"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 m15-m13 3.o7-c7 j15-k13 4.p1-o3 e15-e13 5.m2-m4 p16-o14 6.l1-p5 k16-h15 7.n2-n3 l16-p12 8.b1-c3 n15-n14 9.h2-g4 b16-c14 10.e2-e4 f16-b12 11.f1-b5 o16-f8 12.g1-j2 h16-l13 13.l2-l3 d15-d14 14.k1-h2 c16-g12 15.d2-d3 f8-e9 16.c7-c6 m13-m12 17.c1-l9 m16-m13 18.o1-n2 q16-m16 19.a1-d1 g16-j15 20.c3-d5 p12-l8 21.b5-c4 m13-q13 22.d5-e3 k13-l11 23.e3-f5 g12-j10 24.n2-g8 m16-m13 25.g8-j10 l8-j10 26.c4-j10 l11-j10 27.l9-o6 j15-k13 28.d3-d4 o14-n12 29.d1-d3 q13-q11 30.d3-b3 q15-q13 31.e1-e3 p15-p13 32.h2-j4 m13-o13 33.j1-h2 q11-a11 34.a2-a3 k13-l11 35.b3-b7 g13-j12 36.e3-b3 h15-g13 37.m1-d1 e13-e12 38.d1-d3 e16-e13 39.d3-c3 a16-e16 40.o6-n5 j10-g11 41.p5-o4 q13-q12 42.q2-q3 e13-c13 43.c6-p6 e16-e13 44.f5-e3 g15-g14 45.c3-c13 e13-c13 46.q1-d1 a15-a13 47.d1-d3 c14-d12 48.d3-c3 c13-c3 49.b3-c3 c15-c14 50.e3-f5 o13-o8 51.o4-p3 l13-h13 52.p6-c6 a11-c11 53.c6-b5 c11-c3 54.b2-c3 g13-e14 55.c3-c4 o8-a8 56.a3-a4 a8-a5 57.b5-b3 h13-e10 58.f2-f3 e10-g10 59.b7-b5 a5-a6 60.c4-c5 b15-b13 61.b5-b4 e9-c7 62.g2-g3 b12-e9 63.f5-h4 c7-a5 64.b4-c4 a6-a10 65.f3-f4 a10-b10 66.b3-d3 g10-g8 67.d4-d5 g8-o1 68.o3-q4 o1-a1 69.e4-e5 b10-b4 70.d3-e4 a1-a4 71.c4-b4 a4-b4 72.e4-b4 a5-b4 73.c5-c6 b4-j11 74.q4-p6 f15-f13 75.p6-o8 f13-f12 76.h4-f5 d12-c10 77.g4-e3 j11-c5 78.j2-h4 e14-d12 79.o8-m7 c10-b8 80.h4-g2 g14-g13 81.k4-j6 g11-f9 82.m7-k6 j12-g11 83.j4-g5 f9-e7 84.f5-e7 c5-e7 85.k6-j4 e7-c5 86.j6-h4 g11-f9 87.g5-e6 c5-b4 88.h4-f5 f9-e7 89.f5-e7 b4-e7 90.h2-g1 l11-k9 91.n5-k8 p13-p12 92.e6-d4 e7-c5 93.d4-f5 d12-e10 94.g1-f1 e9-b6 95.f1-e2 k9-h8 96.k8-l7 q12-q11 97.l7-j9 h8-g6 98.j9-m12 e10-d8 99.p3-l7 d8-f9 100.j4-g5 f9-e7 101.f5-e7 g6-e7 102.c2-c4 b8-a6 103.g5-e6 c5-b4 104.o2-o3 a6-c5 105.e6-c5 b4-c5 106.g3-g4 l15-l13 107.m12-f6 n12-m10 108.n3-n4 m10-k9 109.l7-k6 l13-l12 110.f6-g5 j16-h15 111.k2-k3 h15-g14 112.l3-l4 k9-h10 113.k6-o10 a13-a12 114.j3-j4 b13-b12 115.o10-f2 a12-a11 116.e3-d1 c5-f2 117.d1-f2 h10-g8 118.f2-e4 b6-a7 119.g2-h4 a11-a10 120.e4-c3 b12-b11 121.c3-b5 a7-b6 122.g5-k8 a10-a9 123.b5-c3 e7-d9 124.c3-a4 b6-a7 125.h4-f5 g8-e7 126.f5-e7 d9-e7 127.k8-l7 c14-c13 128.l7-k6 e12-e11 129.e2-d3 d14-d13 130.d3-e4 c13-c12 131.k6-n9 c12-c11 132.n9-k6 b11-b10 133.k6-l7 d13-d12 134.l7-k6 a9-a8 135.e4-d3 b10-b9 136.k6-h4 e7-d9 137.h4-g5 c11-c10 138.g5-h4 d12-d11 139.h4-e1 d11-d10 140.e1-h4 d9-b8 141.h4-e1 b8-a6 142.a4-b2 a7-g1 143.e1-d2 a6-c5 144.d3-e2 c5-b3 145.d2-b4 b3-d4 146.e2-f1 d4-f3 147.b2-a4 g1-k4 148.b4-e7 f3-h2 149.f1-g2 h2-k3 150.e7-g9 k4-l3 151.m4-m5 l3-m4 152.g9-f8 k3-h4 153.g2-h1 h4-g6 154.f8-h6 m4-j7 155.h6-j7 g6-j7 156.h1-j2 j7-g6 157.j2-h2 g6-f4 158.a4-c5 f4-g6 159.e5-e6 g6-e5 160.c5-a6 e5-c4 0-1

This big chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2020.06.09  1:17:59)

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I played Chess with him and would have beaten him sometimes only he always took back his last move, and ran the game out differently. (Mark Twain)

Es ist im Leben wie im Schachspiel. Wir entwerfen einen Plan, dieser bleibt jedoch bedingt durch das, was im Schachspiel dem Gegner, im Leben dem Schicksal zu tun belieben wird. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Tu sabes, camarada Pachman, no disfruto el ser un Ministro, preferería jugar al Ajedrez como tu. (Che Guevara)

Les Cavaliers se révèlent fort utiles dans les positions fermées. D'habitude, les Fous sont un peu plus forts que les Cavaliers dans les positions ouvertes. Qu'on le veuille ou non, il restera toujours des exceptions !

Always two there are. No more no less. A master, and an apprentice. (Master Yoda in Star Wars ep.1)

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