Big chess - Game 123275

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S. Kireev, 2273
I. Cirulis, 2260


See game 147151

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT_M__000006       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 123275  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2021 February 10   19:26:26

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2020.04.13"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Skwarczylo,Marek"]
[Black "Aahlad,Yeturu"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2147"]
[BlackElo "2014"]

1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h1-o7 m15-m13 3.o7-c7 j15-k13 4.c7-c15 h16-o10 5.h2-g4 o10-o2 6.c15-c10 k16-h15 7.p1-o3 o2-e11 8.b1-c3 p16-o14 9.k1-h2 e15-e13 10.m2-m4 l16-p12 11.l1-p5 n15-n14 12.n2-n4 e13-e12 13.e2-e4 f16-b12 14.g1-j2 e16-e13 15.f1-b5 e13-c13 16.c10-j4 g16-j15 17.d2-d3 e11-g11 18.o1-f9 g13-f11 19.j4-b11 b16-c14 20.b11-f15 c13-e13 21.f15-o7 o16-h10 22.n4-n5 d15-d13 23.c1-l9 c16-l8 24.f2-f3 m13-m12 25.l2-l3 k13-l11 26.q1-o1 m16-m13 27.o3-m2 m13-o13 28.o7-p6 q16-m16 29.o1-o13 e13-o13 30.m1-o1 m16-m13 31.o1-o13 m13-o13 32.m2-o3 h15-g13 33.j2-h4 q15-q13 34.j1-j2 o14-m13 35.e1-o1 h10-k8 36.o3-m2 o13-o1 37.a1-o1 o15-o14 38.p6-d6 g11-h10 39.d6-d13 k8-l9 40.p5-l9 h10-b4 41.l9-c1 a16-b16 42.a2-a3 b4-j11 43.m2-o3 j15-h13 44.d13-d7 k15-k13 45.d7-j7 l11-j10 46.c1-h6 b12-d14 47.j7-j8 o14-o13 48.f9-c6 j11-p11 49.o1-o2 f11-g9 50.j8-l10 m13-l11 51.l10-m10 l15-l13 52.m10-p13 p11-l15 53.o3-m2 j16-j15 54.m2-n4 b15-b13 55.n4-m6 l8-m9 56.p13-m10 c14-b12 57.m10-o8 b12-d11 58.o8-a8 d14-c13 59.h4-k5 h13-f12 60.g4-j5 d11-b10 61.a8-c10 f12-d11 62.h6-c11 b10-c12 63.c11-g15 b16-b15 64.g15-a9 l15-e9 65.c10-c7 c13-f10 66.c7-e9 f10-e9 67.h2-g4 l11-n10 68.c3-d5 d11-b10 69.a9-g3 m9-h13 70.c6-g10 b15-d15 71.o2-o6 d15-d11 72.g10-o3 n10-l9 73.o6-n6 o13-o12 74.n6-n7 b10-d9 75.c2-c4 a15-a13 76.k5-h6 d11-q11 77.q2-q3 b13-b12 78.h6-f7 e9-h12 79.f7-g9 j10-g9 80.n7-j7 j15-k14 81.j7-a7 q11-b11 82.b2-b4 p15-p13 83.j5-k7 l9-j10 84.g4-h6 d9-b10 85.g3-c7 h12-c7 86.a7-c7 a13-a12 87.a3-a4 q13-q12 88.k7-j9 p12-n10 89.b5-g10 n14-n13 90.c7-p7 b11-p11 91.p7-p11 q12-p11 92.a4-a5 c12-d10 93.b4-b5 k14-j13 94.a5-a6 j10-h8 95.g10-n4 j13-k12 96.d5-f4 b10-d9 97.h6-g8 k12-l11 98.m6-k7 h8-f7 99.k7-h6 f7-h8 100.g8-e9 d9-f8 101.n4-o5 l11-k10 102.j9-g8 h13-d9 103.g8-f10 d9-b11 104.o5-l2 b11-l2 105.k4-l2 h14-h13 106.o3-p4 b12-b11 107.f10-g8 k13-k12 108.d3-d4 g13-h11 109.c4-c5 j14-j13 110.b5-b6 p11-p10 111.h6-j8 g9-j8 112.p4-h11 k10-l9 113.h11-p4 l9-m8 114.l2-k4 m8-n7 115.j2-k3 j8-g7 116.d4-d5 h13-h12 117.k3-l4 h8-g6 118.f4-d3 d10-f9 119.g8-f6 f9-h8 120.e9-d7 f8-e10 121.k4-l6 n7-o8 122.d7-e5 n10-q7 123.e5-g6 h8-g6 124.p4-o3 q7-k1 125.l4-k3 e10-g9 126.f6-g4 g9-f7 127.l6-j5 g6-j5 128.g4-j5 e12-e11 129.j5-g4 k1-o5 130.l3-l4 g7-e8 131.a6-a7 o8-p7 132.k3-l3 p7-p6 133.l3-m2 p6-p5 134.m2-n3 o5-k1 135.o3-l6 p10-p9 136.g4-h2 k1-p6 137.c5-c6 f7-d6 138.b6-b7 e8-c7 139.a7-a8 d6-c4 140.h2-g4 p6-k1 141.k2-k3 k1-j2 142.l6-j4 c7-b5 143.g4-h2 j2-h1 144.h3-h4 c4-e3 145.d3-e1 b5-d4 146.l4-l5 d4-e2 147.g2-g4 e2-f4 148.p2-p3 e3-g2 149.e1-g2 f4-g2 150.j4-g2 h1-g2 151.j3-j4 p5-o5 152.e4-e5 o5-n6 153.e5-e6 n6-m5 154.e6-e7 m5-l6 155.e7-e8 l6-k7 156.d5-d6 k7-j7 157.d6-d7 j7-h7 158.e8-e9 h7-g8 159.d7-d8 g8-f9 160.c6-c7 o12-o11 161.a8-a9 o11-o10 162.n3-n4 l13-l12 163.n4-m5 l12-l11 164.m5-n6 p13-p12 165.n6-n7 p12-p11 166.n7-n8 p11-p10 167.l5-l6 m12-m11 168.q3-q4 n13-n12 169.q4-q5 n12-n11 170.q5-q6 n11-n10 171.n8-m8 j13-j12 172.m8-l8 a12-a11 173.p3-p4 h12-h11 174.p4-p5 j12-j11 175.q6-q7 f9-e8 176.m4-m5 e8-d9 177.n5-n6 d9-e8 178.n6-n7 e8-d9 179.m5-m6 d9-e8 180.l8-m8 e8-f9 181.n7-n8 f9-e8 182.m6-m7 e8-d9 183.n8-n9 o10-o9 184.m8-n7 d9-e8 185.n7-o7 e8-d9 186.o7-p7 d9-e8 187.q7-q8 e8-d9 188.p7-q7 d9-e8 189.p5-p6 e8-d9 190.p6-p7 p9-p8 191.q7-p6 m11-m10 192.m7-m8 1-0

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You know you're going to lose. Even when I was ahead I knew I was going to lose. - On playing against Fischer. (Andrew Soltis)

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No nos podemos resistir a la fascinación de un sacrificio ya que la pasión por los sacrificios es parte de la naturaleza de un jugador de Ajedrez. (Rudolf Spielman)

Comme les marins qui ont mille raisons différentes d'aller en mer, les joueurs d'échecs en ont tout autant avant de s'installer devant une table et jouer... (Vincent Bertignac, philosophe)

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