Big chess - Game 123149

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Game result  (chess)

K. Walton, 2214
A. Duttagupta, 2253


See game 147469

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__WCH_TOURNAMENT_01__000013       See crosstable
(type : rated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 123149  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2020 August 3   13:41:42

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2020.04.03"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Cafiero,Florian"]
[Black "Hallqvist,Niklas"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1595"]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-k4 p16-o14 2.d2-d3 j15-k13 3.p1-o3 g16-f14 4.h1-l4 m15-m13 5.n2-n3 k16-l14 6.e2-e4 b16-c14 7.f1-e2 e15-e13 8.b1-c3 m16-m14 9.c1-o12 n15-n13 10.o12-f4 d15-d13 11.f4-d6 m14-n14 12.d6-o16 q16-o16 13.m2-m4 f16-b12 14.l1-m2 c16-g12 15.e2-l8 l14-j13 16.l8-g12 f14-g12 17.k4-j2 l16-m15 18.m2-b12 c14-b12 19.l4-b13 a15-a13 20.b13-b15 e16-c16 21.b15-b13 k13-j11 22.b13-l4 n14-l14 23.l4-k3 l14-l8 24.k3-n6 l8-l2 25.n6-n13 h16-l13 26.o1-j6 l2-o2 27.m1-m2 o2-m2 28.k1-m2 h15-k14 29.q1-l1 j11-l12 30.n13-p11 p15-p14 31.j6-g8 o14-n12 32.p11-q10 q15-q13 33.h2-g4 j16-j15 34.j1-h2 c16-n16 35.n3-n4 n12-m10 36.g1-f3 m10-o9 37.q10-o8 l13-g9 38.g8-k5 l12-n11 39.l1-l8 n16-n12 40.e1-l1 l15-l14 41.l8-l9 g9-d6 42.e4-e5 d6-p6 43.p2-p3 m15-q11 44.l1-l6 p6-k11 45.g4-h6 k11-b11 46.b2-b3 b11-c10 47.l6-q6 c10-p10 48.c3-a4 n12-o12 49.o8-f8 f15-f14 50.j2-l3 o16-n16 51.c2-c4 n16-n12 52.n4-n5 q11-p12 53.d3-d4 p10-p7 54.q6-q4 p7-j7 55.l9-c9 c15-c14 56.l3-j4 j7-a7 57.c9-e9 g12-e11 58.e9-e7 a7-a11 59.q4-q7 n12-f12 60.f8-c8 a16-n16 61.e7-a7 a11-b11 62.q7-b7 b11-g6 63.b7-g7 g6-d9 64.c8-d9 e11-d9 65.g7-g15 k14-h15 66.a7-a13 o12-g12 0-1

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It's just you and your opponent at the board and you're trying to prove something. (Bobby Fischer)

Wer sich die Fähigkeit anerziehen will im Schach selbstständig zu denken, der muß alles meiden, was leblos ist: ausgeklügelte Theorien, die sich auf sehr wenige Beispiele und eine Menge Hirngespinste stützen. (Emanuel Lasker)

Cuando no sepas que mover, espera por una idea que se le venga a la la cabeza de tu oponente. Tenlo por seguro de que esa idea estará incorrecta. (Siegbert Tarrasch)

Des idées, des idées, j'en ai cent, j'en ai mille. Des bonnes, des mauvaises, applicables, irréalisables... Il suffit de faire le tri ! (Roos)

Plans are ideas that never come to fruition. (Daniel Parmet)

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