Big chess - Game 11229

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Game result  (chess)

H. Pechova, 2143
S. Cade, 2312


See game 146521

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000008       See crosstable
(type : unrated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 11229  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 1-0     2007 September 19   22:34:48

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2007.05.24"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Noble,Mark"]
[Black "Willoughby,Peter"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-k4 j15-k13 2.h1-o7 n15-n13 3.o7-f15 g16-f14 4.f15-n8 h14-h13 5.n8-n13 d15-d13 6.p1-o3 e15-e13 7.n2-n4 p16-o14 8.n4-n5 k16-l14 9.n13-c3 c15-c13 10.o1-j6 m15-m13 11.m2-m4 c13-c12 12.l1-p5 o16-j11 13.q2-q4 g15-g13 14.d2-d4 f16-l11 15.c1-g5 j11-k10 16.e2-e3 l16-p12 17.f1-e2 p12-j6 18.e2-j6 c16-g12 19.h2-j4 b16-a14 20.f2-f4 q16-n16 21.g1-f3 n16-n6 22.j4-l5 n6-p6 23.f3-h4 e16-e14 24.b1-d2 j16-j15 25.d2-f3 m16-n16 26.k1-l3 n16-n12 27.l3-j4 h16-n16 28.m1-m3 e14-b14 29.b2-b3 n16-n13 30.f3-e5 a16-c16 31.g2-g4 c16-c13 32.c3-d3 b14-b11 33.c2-c4 q15-q14 34.j1-h2 a14-b12 35.e1-e2 c13-a13 36.a1-f1 f14-e12 37.f1-f2 h15-k14 38.e5-g6 b12-d11 39.l2-l4 d11-f10 40.k2-k3 k14-j12 41.h4-k5 g12-k9 42.f4-f5 o14-p12 43.k5-l7 k9-o5 44.m3-l3 l11-n9 45.g5-h4 f10-h9 46.l7-j8 k10-p5 47.o3-p5 n9-k12 48.o2-o4 j12-k10 49.j8-k10 n13-k10 50.e3-e4 b11-j11 51.q1-j1 h9-g7 52.j6-k5 k12-l11 53.e4-e5 o5-k9 54.j1-j2 o15-o13 55.p2-p3 p12-n11 56.g6-j5 n11-m9 57.j5-l6 j11-j8 58.d3-f3 k10-d10 59.d4-d5 b15-b13 60.f5-f6 g7-h9 61.k5-h7 j8-j9 62.h7-k9 j9-k9 63.h4-j5 h9-g7 64.f6-g7 l11-g7 65.f3-f15 j15-k14 66.j5-g7 d10-g7 67.f15-g15 n12-h12 68.h2-j1 g7-l11 69.g15-l11 k13-l11 70.j1-k2 m9-k8 71.l6-k8 k9-k8 72.m4-m5 p6-a6 73.k4-h5 h12-f12 74.l3-l2 k8-f8 75.f2-f8 f12-f8 76.h5-f6 f8-a8 77.k2-l3 b13-b12 78.j4-h6 p15-p13 79.g4-g5 a13-a11 80.h3-h4 a8-l8 81.l5-k7 a15-a13 82.j3-j4 d13-d12 83.j4-j5 l11-j12 84.k3-k4 a11-l11 85.l4-l5 a6-a10 86.j2-f2 l14-m12 87.f6-h7 e12-g11 88.f2-f6 a10-m10 89.m5-m6 l15-l13 90.l3-l4 k14-j13 91.l2-f2 k15-k13 92.f6-a6 g11-j10 93.a6-a13 e13-e12 94.f2-f14 l8-e8 95.a13-a14 j10-h12 96.e5-e6 l11-a11 97.a14-a11 b12-a11 98.j5-j6 h12-f11 99.f14-b14 m10-a10 100.a2-a4 d12-d11 101.h6-f7 f11-d10 102.h7-g9 e8-a8 103.g5-g6 a10-b10 104.b14-b10 a11-b10 105.h4-h5 c12-c11 106.l4-k5 d10-c8 107.k5-j5 m12-n14 108.e2-e3 b10-b9 109.g9-h11 j13-h14 110.h11-f10 c8-d10 111.f10-d9 c11-c10 112.d9-c7 a8-f8 113.c7-b5 m13-m12 114.e3-f3 f8-f11 115.f7-e5 f11-p11 116.f3-f14 h14-j13 117.e5-f7 q14-q13 118.k4-k5 q13-q12 119.l5-l6 o13-o12 120.l6-l7 l13-l12 121.k5-k6 g13-g12 122.k7-h8 n14-l13 123.k6-k7 d10-b11 124.k7-k8 m12-m11 125.h5-h6 e12-e11 126.j6-j7 d11-d10 127.f14-c14 b11-d12 128.c14-c12 1-0

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Ich verlor meine Bürgerrechte, mein Gehalt wurde mir nicht mehr bezahlt und ich wurde zensiert und durfte nicht mehr ins Ausland reisen. [nach dem Match Fischer-Taimanov 6:0] (Mark Taimanov)

Evita las multitudes. Haz independientemente tu propio razonamiento. Trata de ser el jugador de Ajedrez, no la pieza de Ajedrez. (Ralph Charell)

Celui qui prend des risques peut perdre, celui qui n'en prend pas perd toujours. (Xavier Tartacover)

Somewhere in the world there is an epigram for every dilemma. (Hendrik Willem van Loon)

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