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FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_SILVER__000222 ![]() (type : rated knockout, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1-0 2019 May 10 20:38:12 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__RAPID_SILVER__000222"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2018.10.07"] [Round "1"] [White "Kruse,Herbert"] [Black "Bernal Varela,Nelson"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2636"] [BlackElo "2401"] 1.Nf3 e6 2.d4 f5 3.g3 Nf6 4.Bg2 Be7 5.O-O Ne4 6.c4 O-O 7.Qc2 d5 8.Rd1 Nd7 9.Be3 c6 10.Ne5 Bf6 11.Nd3 a5 12.Nd2 Nxd2 13.Rxd2 Qe7 14.b3 g5 15.f4 Qg7 16.Qc3 h6 17.a4 Kh7 18.Kh1 Be7 19.Rb2 g4 20.c5 h5 21.Bf2 Rh8 22.e3 Kg8 23.Bf1 Nf6 24.Bg2 Nd7 25.Qe1 Rh7 26.Kg1 Bd8 27.b4 axb4 28.Qxb4 Ba5 29.Qb3 Qh6 30.R1a2 Bd8 31.Bf1 Nf6 32.Be1 Qf8 33.a5 Qe8 34.Ne5 Bc7 35.Bd3 Ra7 36.Qd1 Rg7 37.Qe2 Rh7 38.Qf1 Kg7 39.h4 gxh3 40.Qxh3 Ng4 41.Qh1 Bd7 42.Be2 Kg8 43.Bxg4 fxg4 44.Rf2 Qd8 45.Qh2 Be8 46.f5 Qg5 47.fxe6 Re7 48.Rf4 Rxe6 49.Raf2 Bxa5 50.Bxa5 Rxa5 51.Nxg4 Kg7 52.Ne5 Ra3 53.R2f3 Rxe5 54.dxe5 Qxe5 55.Qd2 Bg6 56.Qd4 Qxd4 57.exd4 Ra1+ 58.Rf1 Ra4 59.g4 h4 60.g5 Be4 61.Rxh4 Rxd4 62.Rf6 Rc4 63.Re6 Rc2 64.Re5 Kf7 65.Kf1 Ra2 66.Rf4+ Kg6 67.Rf6+ Kh5 68.Rh6+ Kg4 69.g6 Kf3 70.Rh3+ Kf4 71.g7 Bg2+ 72.Ke1 Bxh3 73.g8Q Kxe5 74.Qh8+ Ke4 75.Qxh3 Ra1+ 76.Kd2 Ra2+ 77.Kc1 Kd4 78.Qb3 Rg2 79.Qb4+ Kd3 80.Qb3+ Kd4 81.Qxb7 Kxc5 82.Qa7+ Kd6 83.Qa3+ Kc7 84.Qe7+ Kb6 85.Qd8+ Kb7 86.Kd1 Ra2 87.Qe7+ Kc8 88.Qd6 Kb7 89.Qf4 Kc8 90.Qg4+ Kb7 91.Qf3 Ra5 92.Qf4 Ra2 93.Qe3 Rb2 94.Kc1 Rg2 95.Qf3 Rg7 96.Qe2 Rf7 97.Qe5 Rf2 98.Qg7+ Kc8 99.Qg4+ Kb7 100.Kb1 Rf7 101.Kc2 Kc7 102.Qg3+ Kd7 103.Qh3+ Kc7 104.Qe3 Rd7 105.Kd3 d4 106.Qe8 Rd8 107.Qe5+ Kb6 108.Qg7 Rd6 109.Qg3 Rd8 110.Qg7 1-0 ![]() Reti Opening Kingside Castling by player White (move 5) Kingside Castling by player Black (move 6) 10 pieces endgame at move 72 : White KRPP , Black KRBPPP WHITE : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 3 Pawns Promotion Queen by player White (move 73) 9 pieces endgame at move 73 : White KQP , Black KRBPPP WHITE : King + 1 Queen 1 Pawn BLACK : King + 1 Rook 1 Bishop 3 Pawns 8 pieces endgame at move 75 : White KQP , Black KRPPP WHITE : King + 1 Queen 1 Pawn BLACK : King + 1 Rook 3 Pawns 7 pieces endgame at move 81 : White KQP , Black KRPP WHITE : King + 1 Queen 1 Pawn BLACK : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns 6 pieces endgame at move 81 : White KQ , Black KRPP WHITE : King + 1 Queen BLACK : King + 1 Rook 2 Pawns Player White won this chess game. Follow this game move after move ![]() Weak points or holes in the opponent's position must be occupied by pieces not Pawns. (Siegbert Tarrasch) Ich habe Putins Aufstieg an die Macht beobachtet und seine Politik, die demokratischen Institutionen meines Landes zu zerstören. (Garry Kasparov) Los finales de Peón son del Ajedrez lo que el cesped es del Golf. (Cecil Purdy) Ne tendez aucun piège pour le plaisir ! Ne jouez rien dans l'espoir que l'adversaire réagisse de façon stupide ! Prenez toujours pour acquis que l'adversaire va trouver le meilleur coup ! Ne jouez jamais de coup dans l'espoir que l'adversaire ne voie pas la menace ! Chacun de vos coups doit améliorer la position d'une façon ou d'une autre. You must have a dream in order to have it come true. (A.P.J. Kalam)
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