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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000109 ![]() (type : rated round-robin, time : 30 days, increment : 1 day / move)
Last move : 1/2-1/2 2018 July 16 19:21:27 [Event "FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000109"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2018.02.01"] [Round "1"] [White "Pipac,Darko"] [Black "Sundararaghavan,Shailesh"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "1575"] [BlackElo ""] 1.j2-k4 h15-g13 2.h2-g4 g15-g14 3.b2-b3 n15-n13 4.c1-b2 o15-o14 5.p2-p3 o16-d6 6.k1-h2 d15-d13 7.o1-p2 c15-c14 8.m2-m4 c16-l8 9.h1-p8 l8-g4 10.p8-p15 p16-n15 11.p15-o14 g4-f5 12.o14-n13 j15-k13 13.n13-n5 h16-a9 14.n5-f5 d6-h2 15.j1-h1 h2-g1 16.g2-g3 g1-f2 17.f5-f2 q16-o16 18.p1-o3 o16-o9 19.h3-h4 o9-f9 20.f2-e3 a9-a8 21.f1-g2 a8-p8 22.h1-h2 e15-e13 23.l1-p5 k16-h15 24.m1-f1 f9-f1 25.e1-f1 m15-m13 26.e3-e4 l16-o13 27.e4-b4 p8-n6 28.b4-b15 b16-d15 29.n2-n3 g16-e15 30.b15-b7 o13-c2 31.b7-n7 n6-n7 32.p5-n7 c2-b1 33.a1-b1 f15-f14 34.b1-c1 n15-l14 35.n7-l9 a16-b16 36.g2-e4 q15-q13 37.l9-m8 g13-e12 38.e4-f3 m13-m12 39.f3-q13 e15-f13 40.q13-n10 k13-l11 41.b2-l11 m12-l11 42.m8-j5 c14-c13 43.o3-n5 h14-h13 44.n10-k7 f13-g11 45.j5-e9 h13-h12 46.e9-g11 h12-g11 47.k7-e12 d13-e12 48.p2-e12 f14-f13 49.e12-c14 e16-d16 50.c14-k7 b16-b12 51.c1-c4 f16-k12 52.d2-d4 b12-a12 53.a2-a4 d16-b16 54.f1-f3 j16-j15 55.k7-c14 a12-d12 56.l2-l3 b16-c16 57.c14-l6 m16-p16 58.e2-e4 d15-f14 59.d4-d5 f14-e12 60.q2-q4 c16-o16 61.n5-o3 d12-d6 62.l6-h9 p16-p12 63.k4-m3 p12-o12 64.o3-n5 e12-f10 65.h9-e6 d6-b6 66.c4-c13 e13-e12 67.h2-j2 f10-d11 68.c13-c14 b6-b14 69.c14-b14 a15-b14 70.f3-c3 k12-d6 71.g3-g4 d6-h10 72.c3-c14 h10-n5 73.m4-n5 b14-b13 74.c14-g14 f13-f12 75.g4-g5 l14-j13 76.g14-c14 o12-m12 77.m3-o4 l15-l13 78.e6-g8 o16-o8 79.g8-k5 d11-e13 80.c14-c13 e13-d11 81.c13-b13 m12-k12 82.l3-l4 o8-e8 83.b13-b4 d11-f10 84.q4-q5 e8-f8 85.q5-q6 f10-h9 86.q6-q7 h9-j7 87.k5-c12 f8-f2 88.j2-h3 k12-k2 89.q1-q2 k2-o2 90.q2-q3 o2-q2 91.q7-q8 q2-q3 92.o4-q3 f2-q2 93.c12-e14 j7-l6 94.q8-q9 h15-f14 95.q9-q10 f14-g12 96.e14-g12 j13-g12 97.b4-b6 l6-n5 98.b6-q6 n5-o7 99.q6-q5 g12-j13 100.q10-q11 j13-l14 101.q11-q12 l14-n15 102.q12-q13 q2-m2 103.q13-q14 m2-m16 104.q14-q15 m16-q16 105.p3-p4 n15-p14 106.p4-p5 p14-o16 107.p5-p6 o7-n9 108.p6-p7 q16-q15 109.q5-q15 o16-q15 110.q3-p5 q15-p13 111.p5-n6 p13-n12 112.b3-b4 n12-m10 113.n6-l7 k15-k13 114.b4-b5 j15-h14 115.h3-g4 m10-l8 116.j3-j4 l8-j7 117.l7-j6 h14-g13 118.g4-f5 g13-f13 119.a4-a5 j7-g8 120.f5-e6 e12-e11 121.a5-a6 f13-e12 122.h4-h5 g8-e9 123.e4-e5 n9-m7 124.p7-p8 m7-n9 125.p8-p9 e9-g10 126.j6-l7 g10-j9 127.l7-m9 l11-l10 128.m9-n11 j9-k11 129.p9-p10 k11-m12 130.p10-p11 l10-l9 131.p11-p12 n9-o11 132.n11-m13 j14-j13 133.m13-o14 o11-p13 134.e6-d7 m12-o11 135.d7-c8 e12-d11 136.b5-b6 k13-k12 137.b6-b7 o11-n13 138.a6-a7 k12-k11 139.c8-c9 d11-c11 140.a7-a8 c11-b11 141.b7-b8 n13-l14 142.o14-m15 l13-l12 143.m15-l13 l14-n13 144.l13-j12 n13-p12 145.j12-g13 p13-n14 146.g13-e14 n14-l13 147.e14-f12 l13-j14 148.f12-h13 g11-g10 149.h13-j11 j14-h12 150.j11-l12 j13-j12 151.l12-k10 j12-j11 152.k10-h11 p12-n11 153.h11-j13 j11-j10 154.j13-g12 h12-f13 155.g12-e13 n11-m9 156.e13-d11 g10-g9 157.d11-e9 b11-c11 158.a8-a9 f13-d12 159.b8-b9 d12-b11 160.c9-b8 k11-k10 161.b9-b10 c11-c12 162.a9-a10 b11-d10 163.b8-a9 l9-l8 164.b10-b11 c12-c11 165.e9-g10 e11-e10 166.g10-f12 e10-e9 167.f12-e10 c11-b12 168.a9-b10 d10-f11 169.a10-a11 b12-c13 170.b10-c11 g9-g8 171.b11-b12 c13-b14 172.a11-a12 f11-e13 173.e10-g11 j10-j9 174.c11-d12 e13-c14 175.d12-c12 l8-l7 176.a12-a13 b14-b15 177.g11-f13 c14-e13 178.c12-b13 m9-k8 179.a13-a14 b15-a15 180.f13-d14 e13-d15 181.d14-b15 k8-h9 182.b15-c13 d15-b14 183.b13-c14 h9-g11 184.b12-b13 g11-f13 185.c13-d15 f13-d12 186.c14-c13 b14-d15 187.c13-d12 a15-b14 188.d12-c12 e9-e8 189.d5-d6 d15-e13 190.c12-d12 e13-f15 191.d12-e11 f15-d14 192.e11-f10 d14-b13 193.f10-f9 e8-e7 194.d6-e7 g8-g7 195.f9-g9 b14-a14 196.g9-h10 b13-c11 197.h10-j10 c11-d9 198.j10-k10 j9-j8 199.k10-j9 j8-j7 200.j9-j8 j7-j6 201.j8-h7 j6-h5 202.j4-h5 d9-e7 203.h7-g7 a14-b13 204.g7-h7 e7-f9 205.h7-j7 f9-g7 206.h5-h6 g7-e6 207.g5-g6 b13-c12 208.j7-k7 e6-f8 209.g6-g7 f8-h7 210.k7-l7 c12-d11 211.l7-k7 h7-j5 212.k7-j8 j5-l4 213.n3-n4 l4-m6 214.n4-n5 m6-n8 215.j8-h9 d11-e11 216.h9-g10 e11-e10 217.h6-h7 n8-l9 218.h7-h8 e10-e9 219.h8-h9 l9-j8 220.g7-g8 e9-f8 221.h9-h10 f8-g8 222.h10-h11 j8-k10 223.h11-h12 k10-j12 224.g10-h11 j12-h14 225.h12-h13 g8-f7 226.h11-h12 f7-e6 227.h12-j13 h14-g12 228.j13-j14 e6-e5 229.h13-h14 g12-f14 230.h14-h15 f14-h15 231.j14-h15 e5-f6 232.n5-n6 f6-g7 233.n6-n7 g7-h8 234.n7-n8 h8-j9 235.n8-n9 1/2-1/2 Follow this game move after move ![]() Chess mastery essentially consists of analyzing Chess positions accurately. (Mikhail Botvinnik) Er war ein guter Schachspieler, aber ich kann Leute nicht ausstehen, die 'Heil Hitler' rufen (Über Alexander Aljechin). (Miguel Najdorf) Una clavada es mas poderosa que una espada. (Fred Reinfeld) Toutes les manuvres exécutées sur une colonne ouverte ont pour but ultime l'intrusion définitive sur la septième ou la huitième rangée, en plein cur de la position ennemie. (Aaron Nimzovitch) Rules and bones are meant to be broken. (Anonymous)
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