Big chess - Game 10097

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Game result  (chess)

K. Walton, 2214
A. Duttagupta, 2253


See game 147469

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FICGS__BIG_CHESS__TOURNAMENT__000006       See crosstable
(type : unrated round-robin,   time : 30 days,   increment : 1 day / move)

Previous game  Game 10097  Next game       (big_chess)    

a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q

Last move : 0-1     2007 October 22   1:46:30

[Site "FICGS"]
[Date "2007.04.20"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Czekaj,Christophe"]
[Black "Willoughby,Peter"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo ""]
[BlackElo ""]

1.j2-h4 n15-n13 2.h1-o7 j15-h13 3.o7-o15 m15-m13 4.o15-o9 p16-o14 5.d2-d4 d15-d13 6.n2-n4 l16-m15 7.e2-e4 m15-g10 8.k1-l3 e15-e13 9.o9-n10 n13-n12 10.n10-g10 g16-f14 11.m2-m4 o16-k12 12.l1-o4 f16-d14 13.c1-k8 e13-e12 14.k8-d14 c15-d14 15.o4-d14 c16-p4 16.o1-n2 p4-n2 17.p1-n2 b16-c14 18.e1-e3 e16-e14 19.d14-h10 h16-o10 20.g10-f10 k12-h10 21.m1-m3 j14-j13 22.m3-o3 o10-l13 23.f1-e2 a16-f16 24.e2-h5 f14-g12 25.f10-h8 e14-f14 26.g1-f3 f14-f8 27.h8-c13 h13-f14 28.l3-k5 h10-g9 29.c13-c6 k16-j14 30.o3-l3 l13-h10 31.h5-g4 j16-j15 32.b1-c3 m16-m14 33.g4-f5 q16-m16 34.l3-l10 h10-f12 35.f3-e5 g12-j11 36.l10-l6 m14-l14 37.l6-l14 k15-l14 38.c6-l14 m16-m14 39.l14-b5 b15-b14 40.e3-g3 g9-k6 41.h2-k3 q15-q13 42.e5-g6 f8-b8 43.b5-c5 c14-e13 44.c5-j11 b8-b2 45.e4-e5 f14-g12 46.j11-a3 b2-b13 47.a3-a15 b13-a13 48.a15-e15 e13-g14 49.e15-k10 f12-f10 50.k10-o6 m14-k14 51.n2-l3 k14-k10 52.g3-f3 f10-h12 53.l3-m5 k6-f10 54.q1-m1 k10-q10 55.o6-h12 g14-h12 56.q2-q3 f16-o16 57.o2-o3 q10-p10 58.p2-p4 p10-q10 59.m1-q1 o16-a16 60.a2-a4 l15-l13 61.j1-j2 a13-a9 62.q3-q4 f15-f13 63.q4-q5 p15-p13 64.a1-a2 f10-b6 65.d4-d5 q10-o10 66.o3-o4 a9-n9 67.n4-n5 g12-j11 68.o4-o5 n9-p9 69.m5-o6 o10-c10 70.q1-b1 b6-f10 71.l2-l3 f10-a5 72.c3-b5 p9-b9 73.f5-b9 c10-b10 74.b9-e6 a5-d8 75.f3-f8 d8-e9 76.f8-o8 o14-m15 77.e6-m13 n12-n11 78.o8-o15 a16-m16 79.m13-n14 h15-k16 80.a2-b2 j15-k14 0-1

This big chess game has been lost on time   (started : 2007.04.20  14:13:37)

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Modern Chess is too much concerned with things like Pawn structure. Forget it, Checkmate ends the game. (Nigel Short)

Ein bischen Romantik kann weder im Schach noch in der Liebe schaden. Also versuche ich mich ab und zu daran zu erinnern. (Nigel Short)

Aquellos que dicen que entienden al Ajedrez, no entienden nada. (Robert Hubner)

Le génie consiste à savoir transgresser les règles au moment opportun. (Teichmann)

There is no vagueness without wind. (Chinese proverb)

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