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There are 90 results for sert ferdi in the games.
Game_6059 Game_6064 Game_6068 Game_6072 Game_6073 Game_6074 Game_6081 Game_6086 Game_6090 Game_6093 Game_6096 Game_6097 Game_6102 Game_6107 Game_6111 Game_6114 Game_6117 Game_6118 Game_6146 Game_6151 Game_6155 Game_6158 Game_6160 Game_6161 Game_6268 Game_6273 Game_6278 Game_6279 Game_6280 Game_6281 Game_6288 Game_6289 Game_6290 Game_6291 Game_6292 Game_6293 Game_6309 Game_6315 Game_6316 Game_6317 Game_6318 Game_6319 Game_6628 Game_6633 Game_6637 Game_6640 Game_6642 Game_6644 Game_6971 Game_6972 Game_6973 Game_6974 Game_6975 Game_6976 Game_7118 Game_7124 Game_7125 Game_7126 Game_7127 Game_7128 Game_7223 Game_7229 Game_7230 Game_7231 Game_7232 Game_7233 Game_7287 Game_7292 Game_7297 Game_7298 Game_7299 Game_7300 Game_8838 Game_8843 Game_8847 Game_8850 Game_8853 Game_8854 Game_8901 Game_8906 Game_8910 Game_8913 Game_8916 Game_8917 Game_9088 Game_9093 Game_9098 Game_9099 Game_9100 Game_9101
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There are 0 results for sert_ferdi in wikichess.
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Play the strongest international correspondence chess players !
Tsenkov, Ljubomir (BGR)  [member # 57]
Correspondence chess : 2521
Ranked # 13 in the rating list.
Rating history : No change this year.
Big chess : 1686

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