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There are 234 results for Kokoryukin Sergey in the games.
Game_43768 Game_43773 Game_43777 Game_43780 Game_43782 Game_43784 Game_43788 Game_43793 Game_43797 Game_43800 Game_43803 Game_43804 Game_43893 Game_43898 Game_43902 Game_43906 Game_43907 Game_43908 Game_44147 Game_44152 Game_44157 Game_44158 Game_44159 Game_44160 Game_44502 Game_44503 Game_44504 Game_44505 Game_44506 Game_44507 Game_45014 Game_45019 Game_45024 Game_45025 Game_45026 Game_45027 Game_45447 Game_45452 Game_45456 Game_45459 Game_45461 Game_45463 Game_46128 Game_46133 Game_46137 Game_46141 Game_46142 Game_46143 Game_52636 Game_50421 Game_50424 Game_50428 Game_50417 Game_50427 Game_50412 Game_50957 Game_50962 Game_50966 Game_50969 Game_50971 Game_50972 Game_52368 Game_52637 Game_52364 Game_52375 Game_52374 Game_52371 Game_52359 Game_52641 Game_52646 Game_52650 Game_52653 Game_52656 Game_52657 Game_52680 Game_52686 Game_52687 Game_52688 Game_52689 Game_52690 Game_53156 Game_53162 Game_53163 Game_53164 Game_53165 Game_53166 Game_53373 Game_53374 Game_53375 Game_53376 Game_53377 Game_53378 Game_53612 Game_53613 Game_53614 Game_53615 Game_53616 Game_53617 Game_54517 Game_54518 Game_54519 Game_54520 Game_54521 Game_54522 Game_54523 Game_54524 Game_54951 Game_54956 Game_54960 Game_54963 Game_54966 Game_54967 Game_55430 Game_55435 Game_55439 Game_55442 Game_55444 Game_55446 Game_58206 Game_58207 Game_58275 Game_58276 Game_58299 Game_58305 Game_58306 Game_58307 Game_58308 Game_58309 Game_58983 Game_58988 Game_58992 Game_58995 Game_58998 Game_58999 Game_64063 Game_64062 Game_60744 Game_60749 Game_60754 Game_60755 Game_60756 Game_60757 Game_66808 Game_66813 Game_62437 Game_62444 Game_62450 Game_62455 Game_62459 Game_62462 Game_62464 Game_62466 Game_64172 Game_63006 Game_63011 Game_63015 Game_63019 Game_63020 Game_63021 Game_63140 Game_63141 Game_63146 Game_63147 Game_63150 Game_63151 Game_63154 Game_63155 Game_64173 Game_66600 Game_66601 Game_66817 Game_66821 Game_66822 Game_66823 Game_66879 Game_66880 Game_67316 Game_67321 Game_67325 Game_67328 Game_67330 Game_67331 Game_67879 Game_68036 Game_67880 Game_67881 Game_67882 Game_67883 Game_67884 Game_67885 Game_67886 Game_68037 Game_68968 Game_68975 Game_68981 Game_68986 Game_68990 Game_68993 Game_68996 Game_68997 Game_69814 Game_69821 Game_69827 Game_69832 Game_69837 Game_69838 Game_69839 Game_69840 Game_74285 Game_74290 Game_74294 Game_74298 Game_74299 Game_74300 Game_74499 Game_74500 Game_74529 Game_74530 Game_74873 Game_74874 Game_75301 Game_75306 Game_75310 Game_75313 Game_75316 Game_75317 Game_75711 Game_75712 Game_77856 Game_77857 Game_79783 Game_79786 Game_79788 Game_79790
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There are 100 results for Kokoryukin_Sergey in wikichess.
Sergey Kokoryukin (2179) d4 d5 c4 c6 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 e6 Bg5 h6 Bxf6 Qxf6 Qc2 dxc4 e3 b5 a4 Bb7 axb5 cxb5 Nxb5 Bb4 Nc3 O-O Be2 Nd7 O-O Rfc8 Rfc1 a5 Na4 Rc7 Nc3 R7c8
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Tsenkov, Ljubomir (BGR)  [member # 57]
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