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Moves : Nf3 ! Qh5+ ? (back)
This move is simple too. Ne7 take control of both d5 and f5 sqaure, it also control g6 square which just save from a little Qh5+
As for, Qh5+ g6, The queen is attacked, and you lose the knight Refuting this is not an easy task. And blakc does have well hidden compensation for the pawn. this opening is gived the rating as the halloween gambit. Black can not come up with many plans, depending where the knight woulg go, Nf3 just mean you have lost a tempo, Nd3 prevent d4, and Nc4 will cause black to play d5 right away, since they don't want a knight on e3. the f6 pawn can serve later, in attack, with the moves, g5, -h5 g4- h4. Black has a little initiative, he must not lose to win the game. ============ Contributors : Sophie Leclerc [ECO "C40"] [Opening "Damiano's defense"] See this chess line with the javascript viewer
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