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Correspondence chess 2289 IM B1957 Last move : f3 2025 January 23 14:28:19 White clock - 87 days 17:05:44 (55 days 17:35:02) Black clock - 46 days 04:34:34 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__NO_ENGINES_TOURNAMENT__000132"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.03.15"] [Round "1"] [White "Mesquita Jr.,Fausto Monteiro"] [Black "Tedoldi,Guido"] [Result "*"] [WhiteElo "2294"] [BlackElo "1769"] 1.Nf3 c5 2.c4 Nc6 3.g3 d6 4.Bg2 e5 5.d3 Nf6 6.Bg5 h6 7.Bxf6 Qxf6 8.Nc3 Be6 9.Nd5 Bxd5 10.cxd5 Nb4 11.e4 Be7 12.O-O O-O 13.a3 Na6 14.Nh4 Rac8 15.Nf5 c4 16.Nxe7+ Qxe7 17.dxc4 Rxc4 18.Rc1 Rfc8 19.Qd2 Rxc1 20.Rxc1 Rxc1+ 21.Qxc1 Nc5 22.b4 Nb3 23.Qe3 Nd4 24.f4 Nc2 25.Qc3 Nd4 26.Kf2 f6 27.Bh3 Nb5 28.Qc8+ Kh7 29.Qe6 Qxe6 30.dxe6 Nc7 31.e7 g6 32.Bd7 Kg7 33.e8Q Nxe8 34.Bxe8 f5 35.fxe5 dxe5 36.Ke3 Kf6 37.h3 g5 38.Bd7 f4+ 39.gxf4 gxf4+ 40.Kf3 h5 41.h4 b6 42.Ke2 Ke7 43.Bh3 Kd6 44.Kd3 b5 45.Kc3 Kc6 46.Bf5 Kd6 47.Bg6 Ke7 48.Bxh5 Kd6 49.Bg4 Ke7 50.h5 Kf6 51.Bd7 a6 52.Bc8 f3 53.* This is the last move in a Chess game played by F. Mesquita Jr.. The 50 games most recently played are : 144470 144531 144536 144472 144537 143155 143656 143669 144539 144526 144471 144468 144538 144469 143667 143152 144462 142838 141320 143661 143153 143666 142096 143668 142837 142836 142398 142387 143154 142352 142834 143151 142391 142835 142828 142111 142394 142376 142361 143145 142369 142396 141322 142101 141312 142382 142108 140756 142105 142112 Statistics for rated correspondence chess games : Running : 0 Won : 7 Lost : 2 Draw : 70 Elo average opponents : 2269 Results : 53 % With white : 53 % With black : 52 % Title norms :
Fausto Monteiro Mesquita Jr. has currently 0 running correspondence chess game(s), won 7, lost 2 and drawn 70 other games against an average elo of 2269, does not play advanced chess (fast time controls), does not play big chess, does not play Go (wei-ch'i, baduk), and does not play poker, finally Fausto Monteiro finished a total of 79 games and is not playing any game right now. Please register or login to see the complete list of tournaments played by Fausto Monteiro. Mesquita Jr.. Correspondence chess statistics : vs. Sergey Kireev (2273) : 50% (6 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Marcio B. Oliveira (2325) : 50% (5 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Garvin Gray (2298) : 40% (5 games, 0 wins, 1 losses) vs. Giacomo Rita (2424) : 50% (4 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Vladislav Hybl (2255) : 50% (4 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Lubos Fric (2334) : 50% (3 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Jose Moreira (2305) : 50% (2 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Luca Sorbi (2332) : 50% (2 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Clodomiro Ortiz (2457) : 50% (2 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) vs. Leonardo Simal Moreira (2317) : 50% (2 games, 0 wins, 0 losses) Last connection : 2025 January 21 I am nowadays,2025, 67 years old, married, I have a boy,32, that is doctor. I live in Curitiba, south of Brazil. I am ICCF IM, Latin Master and have half of a norm of Latin GM. I'm ICCF World Zone GM. I also am Brasilian Master. I prefer to be a without money Einstein than a much money Rockfeller. I play chess since my 13. Correspondence chess rating history, from most recent to older ones : 2298 2298 2298 2298 2303 2294 2289 2289 2289 2289 2289 Member # 11763 Birthdate : 1957 November 29 A few other games played recently by Fausto Monteiro Mesquita Jr. Last move : 0-1 2024 December 26 0:40:16 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__UNRATED_TOURNAMENT__000069"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.03.25"] [Round "1"] [White "Martinez,Silvio"] [Black "Mesquita Jr.,Fausto Monteiro"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1328"] [BlackElo "2294"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bc4 Be7 5.O-O O-O 6.d4 exd4 7.Nxd4 Nxd4 8.Qxd4 c6 9.Bf4 a5 10.Qd2 b5 11.Bd3 d5 12.e5 Nh5 13.Rfe1 Nxf4 14.Qxf4 f6 15.e6 Bd6 16.Qd4 Bb7 17.Bf5 Be5 18.Qc5 Qd6 19.Qxd6 Bxd6 20.Re2 Be7 21.Rae1 b4 22.Nb1 c5 23.b3 c4 24.bxc4 dxc4 25.h3 a4 26.Rd2 Rfe8 27.Rd7 Bc6 28.Rc7 Rac8 29.Rxc8 Rxc8 30.g4 b3 31.cxb3 cxb3 32.axb3 axb3 33.Na3 Bxa3 34.e7 Re8 35.Re3 Bd5 36.Rd3 Rxe7 37.Rxd5 g6 38.Bb1 Re1+ 39.Kg2 Rxb1 40.Ra5 Ra1 41.Kh2 b2 0-1 Last move : 1-0 2024 August 28 23:19:34 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__UNRATED_TOURNAMENT__000069"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.03.25"] [Round "1"] [White "Mesquita Jr.,Fausto Monteiro"] [Black "Jerez,Miriam"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2294"] [BlackElo "1247"] 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.d4 d5 3.g3 Nc6 4.Bg2 e6 5.O-O Bd6 6.Bg5 O-O 7.Nbd2 Be7 8.Re1 h6 9.Bxf6 Bxf6 10.e4 dxe4 11.Nxe4 Bxd4 12.Nxd4 Nxd4 13.c3 Nc6 14.Nc5 Qxd1 15.Raxd1 b6 16.Bxc6 Rb8 17.Nb3 Bb7 18.Bxb7 Rxb7 19.Rd7 f5 20.Nd4 Rf6 21.Nxe6 Rf7 22.Rxf7 Kxf7 23.f4 c5 24.Nd8+ 1-0 Last move : 1-0 2024 August 13 11:31:4 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__NO_ENGINES_TOURNAMENT__000132"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.03.15"] [Round "1"] [White "Mesquita Jr.,Fausto Monteiro"] [Black "Pech,Jaroslav"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2294"] [BlackElo "2202"] 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 c5 4.O-O Nc6 5.c3 e5 6.d3 Be7 7.Re1 O-O 8.Bg5 h6 9.Bxf6 Bxf6 10.e4 d4 11.cxd4 cxd4 12.Nbd2 Be6 13.a3 a5 14.Nc4 a4 15.b4 b5 16.Ncd2 Rc8 17.Rc1 1-0 This chess game has been lost on time (started : 2024.03.15 18:58:27) Last move : 1-0 2024 August 8 14:23:35 [Event "FICGS__CHESS__UNRATED_TOURNAMENT__000069"] [Site "FICGS"] [Date "2024.03.25"] [Round "1"] [White "Ozen,Bahadir"] [Black "Mesquita Jr.,Fausto Monteiro"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2232"] [BlackElo "2294"] 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 d5 3.Bg2 c6 4.O-O Bg4 5.h3 Bh5 6.d3 Bxf3 7.Bxf3 e5 8.e4 dxe4 9.dxe4 Nbd7 10.Nd2 Bc5 11.a4 a5 12.Qe2 O-O 13.Kg2 h6 14.Nc4 Qc7 15.Bd2 Rfd8 16.Rfd1 Nb6 17.Bxa5 Rxd1 18.Rxd1 Bd4 19.c3 Bc5 20.b4 Rxa5 21.Nxa5 Nxa4 22.Qc2 Nxc3 23.Qxc3 Bd4 24.Rxd4 exd4 25.Qxd4 b6 26.Nc4 c5 27.bxc5 bxc5 28.Qd6 Qxd6 29.Nxd6 Kf8 30.e5 Nd7 31.Nc4 Ke7 32.Bd5 Nxe5 33.Nxe5 Kd6 34.Bxf7 Kxe5 35.Kf3 Kd4 36.Kf4 g5+ 37.Kg4 Kd3 38.Kh5 c4 39.Bxc4+ 1-0
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