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Search There are 90 results for 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 in the games.Game_1 Game_702 Game_704 Game_1455 Game_8625 Game_8779 Game_8943 Game_9726 Game_9794 Game_11289 Game_14137 Game_12466 Game_14194 Game_14697 Game_15517 Game_16172 Game_17737 Game_17759 Game_18583 Game_18736 Game_21855 Game_22063 Game_25056 Game_23514 Game_23772 Game_25067 Game_25480 Game_28155 Game_28327 Game_28607 Game_31082 Game_32819 Game_33222 Game_42141 Game_39327 Game_42561 Game_44089 Game_44334 Game_45000 Game_45895 Game_47122 Game_49970 Game_51920 Game_53964 Game_54801 Game_56488 Game_58714 Game_61969 Game_62132 Game_65659 Game_65245 Game_71595 Game_72350 Game_78081 Game_74854 Game_78221 Game_78265 Game_87506 Game_88630 Game_90981 Game_91613 Game_92218 Game_102338 Game_96305 Game_97109 Game_99561 Game_100339 Game_100963 Game_100964 Game_100968 Game_100977 Game_101249 Game_101791 Game_103156 Game_103394 Game_106828 Game_107958 Game_108485 Game_110784 Game_112308 Game_115219 Game_116220 Game_117918 Game_124941 Game_125227 Game_127059 Game_129142 Game_132910 Game_136106 Game_136112 There are at least 0 results for 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 in the forum. There are 1 results for 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nc6 in wikichess. Normajean Yates (1966) e4 e5 Nc3 Nc6 Transpose to wikichess #4385# ============ Contributors :
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