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There are 107 results for 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb7 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O in the games. Game_1 Game_2006 Game_8007 Game_9560 Game_11003 Game_11876 Game_12639 Game_12886 Game_13933 Game_14558 Game_14728 Game_15899 Game_16031 Game_19750 Game_23193 Game_22566 Game_22617 Game_22623 Game_32145 Game_34512 Game_34783 Game_36596 Game_36963 Game_38468 Game_40996 Game_41005 Game_43326 Game_44534 Game_45754 Game_47488 Game_47567 Game_50088 Game_51849 Game_54792 Game_56564 Game_60060 Game_65251 Game_65383 Game_66159 Game_68661 Game_70567 Game_73292 Game_73297 Game_73717 Game_76730 Game_76737 Game_77352 Game_79897 Game_80657 Game_77783 Game_77943 Game_78046 Game_80813 Game_82876 Game_82945 Game_83592 Game_83931 Game_86662 Game_84827 Game_86050 Game_86518 Game_88607 Game_91830 Game_91847 Game_92388 Game_92543 Game_93260 Game_93837 Game_94686 Game_95066 Game_95159 Game_96242 Game_96827 Game_97042 Game_98631 Game_99556 Game_99733 Game_99836 Game_101110 Game_103047 Game_106953 Game_114673 Game_107663 Game_109487 Game_111513 Game_112587 Game_112594 Game_114009 Game_115915 Game_116147 Game_116222 Game_118922 Game_121091 Game_121423 Game_128222 Game_129294 Game_131962 Game_133263 Game_133521 Game_136182 Game_136387 Game_143890 Game_141550 Game_143782 Game_144288 Game_145094 Game_146166 There are at least 1 results for 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb7 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O in the forum. Nick Burrows (2007-07-16 14:14:00) Sandipan v Tiviakov [Event "Canadian Open"] [Site "Ottawa CAN"] [Date "2007.07.14"] [Round "9"] [White "Sandipan,C"] [Black "Tiviakov,S"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "2563"] [BlackElo "2648"] [EventDate "2007.07.07"] [ECO "E17"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb7 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O O-O 7. d5 exd5 8. Nh4 c6 9. cxd5 Nxd5 10. Nf5 Nc7 11. e4 d5 12. Nc3 Bf6 13. exd5 cxd5 14. Bf4 Nba6 15. Re1 Qd7 16. Bh3 Ne6 17. Ne4 Bxb2 18. Rb1 Bc8 19. Ng5 Bf6 20. Qh5 Bxg5 21. Bxg5 Re8 22. Bf6 gxf6 23. Qh6 Nac5 24. Rbd1 Qb7 25. Rd4 Ne4 26. Rexe4 dxe4 27. Qxf6 Qc7 28. Nh6+ Kf8 29. Qh8+ Ke7 30. Nf5+ 1-0 There are 1 results for 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Bb7 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O in wikichess.
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