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There are 140 results for 1. c4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 in the games.
Game_1 Game_990 Game_1002 Game_1261 Game_3202 Game_3426 Game_4954 Game_5236 Game_6733 Game_29335 Game_8587 Game_11479 Game_11599 Game_11857 Game_12181 Game_12201 Game_14063 Game_17246 Game_17815 Game_18559 Game_29265 Game_21396 Game_23003 Game_23865 Game_23608 Game_26344 Game_26354 Game_26986 Game_27033 Game_28199 Game_28584 Game_31028 Game_31068 Game_31306 Game_31374 Game_31739 Game_32679 Game_33363 Game_33987 Game_34119 Game_37297 Game_35002 Game_35496 Game_39512 Game_39606 Game_40071 Game_41257 Game_42439 Game_44180 Game_44818 Game_45560 Game_45862 Game_47137 Game_49258 Game_50585 Game_51282 Game_52281 Game_53642 Game_53841 Game_54349 Game_55713 Game_57320 Game_57043 Game_57055 Game_57286 Game_58284 Game_60807 Game_61360 Game_65409 Game_65738 Game_68002 Game_68310 Game_69147 Game_69673 Game_70084 Game_70549 Game_70442 Game_70451 Game_70756 Game_71131 Game_73041 Game_74816 Game_74934 Game_74950 Game_77925 Game_79120 Game_79341 Game_79582 Game_79624 Game_82685 Game_82861 Game_83202 Game_84932 Game_85451 Game_85832 Game_89161 Game_88718 Game_89332 Game_89769 Game_90697 Game_90710 Game_92548 Game_92764 Game_93563 Game_108351 Game_102072 Game_103941 Game_107482 Game_108216 Game_111168 Game_113336 Game_115542 Game_118868 Game_119535 Game_119898 Game_119982 Game_120005 Game_121279 Game_122318 Game_124331 Game_130860 Game_130863 Game_130966 Game_130993 Game_131169 Game_131690 Game_132548 Game_132578 Game_133617 Game_135884 Game_141060 Game_141779 Game_143412 Game_144623 Game_144626 Game_144875 Game_146375 Game_145873 Game_146837 Game_146912
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There are 1 results for 1. c4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 in wikichess.
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Tsenkov, Ljubomir (BGR)  [member # 57]
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