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There are 91 results for 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 in the games.
Game_1 Game_4233 Game_6362 Game_12684 Game_14154 Game_14659 Game_17037 Game_17155 Game_17163 Game_18403 Game_18407 Game_21403 Game_21401 Game_23039 Game_23044 Game_23138 Game_25599 Game_26617 Game_28541 Game_45888 Game_54552 Game_57052 Game_57949 Game_58148 Game_58513 Game_59133 Game_73733 Game_75613 Game_82154 Game_82330 Game_82380 Game_85297 Game_89494 Game_86787 Game_87549 Game_90590 Game_92039 Game_93111 Game_95023 Game_96548 Game_97784 Game_100233 Game_104077 Game_104303 Game_106335 Game_109187 Game_110561 Game_110725 Game_115275 Game_115455 Game_115603 Game_115617 Game_117164 Game_119251 Game_119543 Game_119609 Game_119616 Game_120025 Game_120058 Game_120632 Game_121428 Game_121553 Game_122027 Game_122646 Game_124746 Game_125838 Game_126564 Game_130698 Game_130845 Game_131250 Game_137071 Game_134854 Game_135216 Game_135243 Game_135731 Game_135733 Game_136457 Game_138378 Game_138677 Game_139477 Game_140296 Game_140302 Game_141069 Game_141340 Game_141370 Game_141379 Game_144467 Game_141892 Game_143674 Game_146012 Game_146305
There are at least 0 results for 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 in the forum.
There are 0 results for 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. f4 in wikichess.
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Pichelin, Xavier (FRA)  [member # 211]
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Ranked # 55 in the rating list.
Rating history : No change this year.
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World Champion FICGS 0001
World Champion FICGS 0002
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