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- Yen-Wei Huang wins 14th FICGS Go championship

- AlphaGo beats Ke Jie in 3 games match

- Google DeepMind beats Lee Sedol in 5 games match

- Google DeepMind beats Fan Hui in 5 games match

- Yen-Wei Huang wins 11th FICGS Go championship

- Go Seigen dies at 100

- Zhang Yuanbo 4d wins London Open

- Tang Weixing 3p beat Lee Sedol 9p in Samsung Cup

- Jung Hoon Lee 7d wins Colorado tournament

- Evan Cho wins Cotsen Open 2013

- Iyama Yuta 9p wins 3rd Meijin title

- Andy Liu wins Gotham Go tournament

- Fan Hui wins French Open (september 2013)

- Kan Yao 5d wins Skip Ascheim Memorial

- Lukas Krämer 5d wins German Championship

- Chen Yaoye 9p wins Chunlan Cup

- Yen-Wei Huang wins the 8th FICGS Go championship

- Eric Lui 7d wins 40th Maryland Open

- Chen Yaoye 9p wins 27th Tianyuan

- Aaron Ye 5d wins Jujo Jiang Cup

- Jiseok Kim 9p beats Lee Sedol, wins GS Caltex Cup

- Zebin Du 4d wins British Open

- Amir Fragman 4d wins Jerusalem Open

- Jin Zou 6d wins 4th China Cup in Berlin

- Andy Liu 1p wins New Jersey Open

- Zhou Ruiyang 5p wins Bailing Cup 2013

- Lee Sedol beats Gu Li, wins 17th Samsung Cup

- Li He 3p beats Rui Naiwei 9p, wins Bingsheng Cup

- Meng Tailing 6p wins 4th Quzhou Lanke Cup

- Matthew Hu 1P wins 2012 Ing Masters

- Andy Liu wins AGATygemGo Pro Tournament

- Frank Luo 7d wins Emory Tourney

- Iyama Yuta 9p wins 67th Honinbo

- Andy Liu 7d wins Maryland Open

- Lee Sedol 9p wins GS Caltex Cup

- Andrew Kay 4d wins 2012 British Go Congress

- Calvin Sun wins 2012 Cotsen Open

- Jared Beck 2d wins 5th Salt CityTournament

- Csaba Mero 6d wins Confucius Cup in Dublin

- ZhaoNian Chen 7d wins New Jersey Open 2012

- China wins 13th Nongshim Cup (team event)

- Jiang Weijie 5p wins 16th LG Cup

- Vincent Zhuang 6d wins Jin Chen memorial tourney

- Choi Jung 1p wins Korea’s 13th female Myeongin

- Sam Kim 7d wins 2011 London Open

- Won Seongjin 9p wins 16th Samsung Cup

- Jiang Weijie 5p wins 24th Mingren

- Xiao Tong is new FICGS Go champion

- Cho Hanseung 9p wins 55th Kuksu

- Ben Hakala wins Portland Go Tournament

- Yamashita Keigo 9p wins Meijin title match

- Qiyun Zhu 8d wins Greg Lefler Memorial

- Park Jieun 9p wins Bingsheng Cup

- Jung Hoon Lee wins Rocky Mountain Fall Go Tourney

- Piao Wenyao 9p wins 13th Ahan Tongshan Cup

- Changlong Wu 7d wins 11th Triangle Memorial Tourn.

- Park Younghun 9p wins World Meijin Tournament

- Park Junghwan 9p beats Qiu Jun to win Fujitsu Cup

- Yongfei Ge 7d wins 2011 US open

- Changyu Han wins Milwaukee Tournament

- Lee Sedol 9p wins Chunlan Cup

- Ke Huang 7d wins 2011 Maryland Open

- Yuanbo Liu Wins Prague Korean Ambassador Cup

- Lee Sedol beats Gu Li, wins 3rd BC Card Cup champ.

- Park Younghun 9p wins 12th Maxim Cup

- Ilya Shikhin 7d wins Japanese Council Cup (Russia)

- Park Jieun Wins Jeongganjang Cup

- Zhirui Yang 6d wins 15th Jujo Jiang Youth Goe Cup

- Svante Carl von Erichsen wins the 5th FICGS Go WCH

- Cho U 9p Wins the 30th NEC Cup

- Minshan Shou 7d wins New Jersey open

- Boyi Cui 4d wins Columbus New Year tournament

- Zhanbo Sun 2p wins first Young Kwon Nat. Online

- Gu Li wins Samsung Cup 2010

- Alexander Dinerchtein wins russian championship

- Dimitris Regginos 1d wins 2010 Cyprus championship

- Iyama Yuta 9p beats Takao Shinji 9p, wins Meijin

- Xie He 7p wins the Quzhou-Lanke Cup

- Dae Hyuk Ko 7d wins Cotsen open in L.A. California

- Guochen Xie wins Boston open (aug. 2010)

- Huiren Yang 1p wins North American Ing Masters

- Myung-Wan Kim 8p wins US Open Championship

- Curtis Tang 7d wins Redmond Cup

- Park Junghwan 8p wins the 14th China-Korea Tengen

- Jan Hora 6d wins Slovak Go Festival in Piestany

- Jie Guo 4d wins 31st Kieler Go tourney (Germany)

- Jianping Wang 3d wins Ascheim Memorial tournament

- Yamashita Keigo 9p wins his first Honinbo title

- Kong Jie 9p wins the Fujitsu Cup

- Kyeong-nang Kang 7d wins Hungarian International

- Zipei Feng 7d wins Boulder Rocky Mountain tourney

- Cho Seok-Bin 7d wins the Strasbourg Go tournament

- Lee Sedol 9p tops Korean ratings with 9732 points

- Hongsuk Song 7d of Korea wins WAGC

- Park Jungsang 9d wins the 1st Olleh KT Cup

- Catalin Taranu 7d wins Balkan Go Championship 2010

- Myungwan Kim 9p wins the SPOT1 tournament

- Tian Ye 1p wins the Pandanet Amsterdam (may 2010)

- Fredrik Blomback 5d wins the Svenska Mästerskapen

- Fatih Sulak 2d retains Turkish Go champion title

- Federico Odorizzi 3k wins Bari's Go a GoGo tourney

- M. Kaminski 3d wins Warsaw Korean Ambassador's Cup

- Valerij Ponomarev 4d wins Novosibirsk's tournament

- Jian Lichen 2p wins the 17th Zhonghuan Cup

- Kong Jie 9p beats Xie He 7p, wins Ricoh Cup 2010

- Lee Sedol 9p beats Chang Hao 9p, wins BC Card Cup

- Chen Yaoye 9p beats Gu Li, wins 24th Tianyuan

- Ilya Shiksin 7d wins Moscow Spring Youth Festival

- Dickhut 6d wins Baduk Ambassador's Cup in Berlin

- Marek Kaminski 3d wins the Poznan Open in Poland

- Willem-Koen Pomstra wins Martini Cup in Groningen

- Dmitrij Surin 6d wins the St Petersburg Open Cup

- Trevor Morris 7d wins Massachusetts Spring tourney

- Andrew Kay wins British open 2010

- Pal Balogh 6d wins Pandanet European Cup (Paris)

- Choi Cheolhan beats Kang Dongyun, wins Maxim Cup

- Cho U 9p beats Yamashita Keigo, wins 48th Judan

- Edward Zhang 6d wins the Nova Cherry Blossom

- Yuki Satoshi wins the 57th NHK Cup

- Lian Xiao 3p beats Li Haojie 3p, wins Ricoh Cup

- Kono Rin 9p beats Hane Naoki, wins NEC Cup 2010

- Lee Changho 9p beats Kang Dongyun 9p, wins KBS Cup

- Kong Jie beats Lee Changho, wins LG Cup 2010

- Cho U 9p beats Yamashita Keigo in the 34th Kisei

- Rui Naiwei wins the 11th Female Myeongin (Meijin)

- Xie Yimin 4p wins Women's Kisei

- Park Junghwan 5p beats Lee Changho, wins Sibdang

- Yamashita Keigo 9p beats Cho U 9p, wins Tengen

- Kong Jie 9p beats Qiu Jun 9p, wins Samsung Cup

- China wins Japan-China Agon Cup 2009

- Cho Hanseung 9p wins Korean GS Caltex Cup

- Ali Jabarin 5d wins Israeli championship

- Hane Naoki 9p wins Okan tournament 2009

- Cho U 9p beats Yamashita Keigo 9p for Oza title

- Pal Balogh 6d wins Vienna open

- Ali Jabarin 5d wins 3rd Israeli Go Championship

- Wang Xi 9p wins Chang-Ki Cup

- Iyama Yuta 8p wins 34th Japanese Meijin

- Hane Naoki 9p beats Cho U 9p, wins Agon Cup

- Sun Tengyu 4p wins Chinese Agon Cup

- Pal Balogh wins Hungarian Open Championship

- Jing Yang 7d wins Cotsen open 2009

- Zhaonian Chen 7d wins Canadian open championship

- Rob van Zeijst 7d won Dutch Summer Go Camp tourney

- Chen Yaoye 9p, China beats Kang Dongyun 9p, Korea

- Aleksander Dinerchtein 3p is European Go Champion

- Myung-Wan Kim is US open champion 2009

- Andy Liu 7d wins 2009 Ing Masters

- Cho U 9p beats Yuki Satoshi 9p, wins Gosei title

- Hwang In-Seong 7d wins the Czech Open Pandanet

- Hane Naoki 9p beats Takao Shinji 9p, wins Honinbo

- Ilya Shiksin 7d wins St. Petersburg Pandanet 2009

- Iyama Yuta 8p challenges Cho U 9p for Meijin

- Kang Dongyun beats Lee Changho, wins Fujitsu Cup

- Chang Hao 9p wins Chunlan Cup

- Jie Liang 8d wins the 2nd Boston Open

- Kong Jie 7p wins the Chinese CCTV Cup

- Catalin Taranu 5p beats MoGo (9x9) in Rennes 2009

- Daniel Chou 7d wins the 36th Maryland Open

- Zen wins Gold in the 14th Computer Go Olympiad

- Mélissa Héaulmé wins French Youth Championships

- Gu Li 9p wins 1st BC Card Cup

- Tang Yi 2p wins the women's Xinren Wang

- Klaus Pulverer 3d wins Bavarian Go championship

- ING Cup: Choi Cheolhan 9p beats Lee Changho 9p 3-1

- Xi Gao 5d wins the British open in Chester

- Chen Yaoye 9p takes Tianyuan title

- Oh Chimin 7d wins the Paris Go tournament 2009

- Cho U 9p beats Takao Shinji 9p, takes Judan title

- Bernd Radmacher 5d wins Castrop Tournament

- Tae Young Rhee 7d wins Chicago's Handicap Tourney

- Yamashita Keigo 9p beats Yoda Norimoto 9p in Kisei

- Cho Seok-bin 7d Mausefalle tournament in Harburg

- Jin Zou 6d wins Dresden tournament

- Jerome Salignon wins FR. qualifier for Korean AC.

- Andy Liu 7d wins New Jersey championship

- Lee Sedol wins Nongshim Cup 2009

- Choi Cheolhan 9p wins Korean Maxim Cup

- Kang Dongyun 9p takes the Chunwon title

- Zipei Feng 8d wins Rocky Mountain Winter Tourney

- Lee Sedol beats Mok Jinseok 9p to win Korean Kuksu

- Eric Lui 7d wins Arlington's Chinese New Year

- Lee Sedol 9p beats Kong Jie 7p in Samsung Cup

- Mingjiu Jiang 7p wins Jujo Jiang Go tournament

- Gu Li 9p wins World Oza Cup

- Chi-Min Oh 7d wins London open

- Lee Sedol 9p beats Kang Dongyun in Korean Myeongin

- Kong Jie & Lee Sedol will play Samsung Cup final

- Crazy Stone wins Computer Go UEC Cup in Tokyo

- Fan Hui 2p wins Paris Meijin title

- Oh Chi-Min 7d wins Go-to-Innovation tournament

- Andy Liu 7d wins Masters Open at NY Go Center

- Gu Li 9p wins the 10th Chinese Agon Cup

- Hugh Zhang 6d wins Ing's Cup Youth Go Tournament

- Zou Jin 6d wins Pandanet Go European Cup

- I-Han Lui 7d wins UMBC tournament

- Zhaonian Chen wins Hoboken Open 2008

- Zipei Feng 8d wins Rocky Mountain Go Tournament

- David Swan 4k wins Pittsburgh Fall Tournament 2008

- SmartGo touch for Iphone & Ipod is released

- Feng Yun 9p wins 2008 North American Ing Masters

- Myungwan Kim 8p wins 2008 U.S. open (wei'chi)

- MoGo beats Myungwan Kim 8p (9 stones handicap)

- GnuGo wins congress comp. tourney, Many Faces 2nd

- Hong Sungji 6p wins Korean Price Information Cup

- Hane Naoki 9p beats Takao Shinji, takes Honinbo

- Jie Li 9d wins Internet ING Qualifier on KGS

- Iyama Yuta 8p wins 1st Daiwa Cup Grand Champion

- Gu Li 9p (China) wins 21st Fujitsu Cup

- Koh Juyong 7d wins Korean Consul General Cup

- Tony Zhang 5d wins San Francisco tournament

- Lee Sedol 9p (Korea) wins Asian TV Cup

- Seung Hyun Hong 8d wins Orange County Open

- Huiren Yang 1p wins Boston open

- Eric Lui 8d wins Maryland Open in Baltimore

- Qi Guan 4d wins Pittsburgh Spring Tournament

- Fan Hui 2p wins 2008 Paris Go Tournament

- Eric Lui 8d wins Cherry Blossom tournament

- Jung Hoon Lee 8d wins Rocky Mountain Open

- Lee Changho 9p takes Korean Siptan title

- Lee Sedol beats Park Yeonghun 9p, wins Samsung Cup

- Park Jieun 8p wins Yuanyang Cup

- Jie Li 9d wins 2008 North American Oza East

- Mingjiu Jiang 7p wins 2008 North American Oza West

- Honinbo Takao Shinji 9p wins Daiwa Cup

- Won Sungjin 8p takes Korean Chunwon title

- Ha Sangbong 7d wins Korean Amateur Kuksu tourney

- SmartGo 2.8 is now available with 43,170 pro games

- Kono Rin 9p beats Y. Keigo 9p in Japanese Tengen

- Lee Sedol 9p beats Yun Junsang 6d in Korean Kuksu

- Svante Carl von Erichsen is FICGS Go champion

- Cristian Pop 7d wins Ambassador Cup in Bucharest

- Dominique Chabot-Halle 4d wins Japan. Embassy Cup

- Yamashita Keigo 9p keeps the Japanese Oza title

- Dragos Bajenaru 6d is new romanian champion

- Cho U 9p beats Takao Shinji 9p, retakes Meijin

- Jang Bi 9d wins Cotsen open 2007

- Lee Sedol 9p wins Korean Myeongin

- Hugh Zhang wins Jujo Jiang Youth Tournament

- Jang Bi wins Portland tournament

- SmartGo is now available in french language

- H. Malgaensam 7d wins Amateurs Japanese Meijin

- Pal Balogh 6d wins Bratislava Casino Go Tournament

- Lee Sedol & Choi Kihoon 1p in Korean Kuksu finals

- Papazoglou 5d wins Euro Student Go Championship

- Lee Sedol 9p wins Prices Information Cup

- Lee Changho 9p wins Zhonghuan Cup

- Hong Seok-ui 7d wins European Go Congress tourney

- Ilya Shiksin 6d is 2007 European Champion

- Park Jieun 7p wins Dali Cup

- Alexander Dinerchtein 8d wins Euro Masters

- Park Yeonghun 9p wins International Fujitsu Cup

- Takao Shinji 9p beats Yoda Norimoto 9p in Honinbo

- A. Dinerchtein wins Korean Ambassador's Cup, Kiev

- Lee Sedol 9p wins Asian TV Cup

- Mozheng Guan 8d wins Northern California Open

- Ziteng Shen wins World Amateur Go Championships

- Go Seigen at WAGC in Tokyo

- Won Sungjin 7p wins Korean BC Card Cup

- Gu Li 9p wins a 5th Chinese Tianyuan title

- Cho Chikun 9p beats Yamashita Keigo 9p in Judan

- Solomon Choe 3d wins Seattle Youth Tournament

- Jared Beck 2d wins Empty Sky Tourney in Rochester

- Gu Li 9p beats Liu Shizhen 6p in chinese Tianyuan

- Dragos Bajenaru 6d wins Walter Schmidt Cup

- Changyu Han 2d wins Chicago Spring Tournament

- Gu Li 9p beats Chang Hao 9p in Chunlan Cup

- Zhou Junxun 9p (Taiwan) wins international LG Cup

- Calvin Sun 6d wins Jujo Jiang Youth Goe Tournament

- Yun Junsang 4p beats Lee Changho 9p in 50th Kuksu

- Cho Chikun 9p beats Yuki Satoshi 9p in NHK Cup

- Rui Naiwei 9p wins the Korean Women's Kuksu

- Eric Lui 8d wins March 18 UMBC tournament

- Cho Chikun 9p beats Yuki Satoshi 9p in the NHK Cup

- Cho U 9p beats Takao Shinji 9p in NEC Cup

- Zhou Ruiyang 4p wins Chinese Xinren Wang tourney

- Kato Keiko 5p takes japanese women's Meijin

- Umezawa Yukari 5p wins japanese women's Kisei

- Lee Sedol 9p beats Park Jungsang 9p in Maxim Cup

- Fan Hui 7d won 2007 ING memorial tournament

- Lee Changho 9p & Korean team wins Nongshim Cup

- Jie Li 9d won the Fujitsu Qualifier (NAFQ)

- Rui Naiwei 9p wins Women's Myeongin Tournament

- Li He 1p wins her first title at Bailing Cup

- Daniel Chou 6d wins Chinese New Year Go Tournament

- M. Redmond 9p beats Sakai Hideyuki 7p in Tengen

- Lee Sedol tops Korean rating list, Lee Changho 2nd

- Chang Hao beats Lee Changho 2-0, wins Samsung Cup

- Lee Sedol 9p wins Toyota Denso World Oza

- Korean awards : Lee Sedol is the best player 2006

- Mingren title match : Gu Li 9p leads 2-0

- Ondrej Silt 6d wins London open

- Ze-Li Dou 2d wins New-York Go center's tourney

- Ondrej Silt 6d wins Milan Tournament

- Yamashita Keigo 9p takes the Oza title

- Zhi Yuan Liu 8d wins N.Y. tourney

- Cristian Pop 7d tops Romanian championship

- Lee Sedol 9p wins Korean KBS Cup

- Yamashita Keigo 9p vs. Cho U 9p, 1-1 for Oza title

- Rui Naiwei 9p wins 1st women's Kisung title

- Chongqing team still leads in Chinese A league

- New Baejing beats Chongqing in Chinese A league

- Lee Sedol 9p vs. Choi Cheolhan 9p : 2-0, GS C. cup

- China wins New Stars match in Beijing. (2nd Korea)

- SmartGo 2.3 is available with 38,000+ pro games

- Korean dominate international Samsung cup

- Lee Sedol wins first game for GS Caltex Cup title

- Liu Xing 7p wins Chinese Agon Cup

- Zhujiu Jiang 9p reaches quarterfinals at Maxim Cup

- Dan Micsa 4d & Gelu Ciuica 3d top Sarasota tourney

- Feng Yun, Mingjiu Jiang & Jie Li lead in N.A.M.T.

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Szczepanski, Zbigniew     (POL)        [member # 6495]

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Age : 68 years old Location : Sosnowiec (Poland) Title ICCF : GM Rating ICCF : 2456

Zbigniew Szczepanski

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