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Game result  (chess)

A. Duttagupta, 2275
C. Maceda, 2268


See game 146037

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FICGS chess databases

Here is the complete FICGS correspondence chess database, with all games played on the server since it started in April 2006.

FICGS correspondence chess database :   PGN

Some databases full of games played by the most famous chess champions.

Chess games played by  Bobby Fischer

Chess games played by  Garry Kasparov

Chess games played by  Alexander Alekhine

Chess games played by  Anatoly Karpov

Chess games played by  Jose Raul Capablanca

Chess games played by  Mikhail Tal

Chess games played by  Aron Nimzovitch

Chess games played by  Emanuel Lasker

Basman Sale defence by  Marc Lacrosse     (right click/save as)

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Play the strongest international correspondence chess players !

Szczepanski, Zbigniew     (POL)        [member # 6495]

Correspondence chess : 2487       GM

Ranked  #  31   in the rating list.

Rating history :  No change this year.

Age : 68 years old Location : Sosnowiec (Poland) Title ICCF : GM Rating ICCF : 2456

Zbigniew Szczepanski

This member has no profile in the social network.

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