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Directory Players from TAIWAN TWN TW Austin, Nathan Cai, Bao Qian Chang, Nicole Chen, Kevin Cheng, Gong Cheng, Tom Chi An, Kao Ching Mu, Ong Chuan Wen, Liu Donovan, Mick Five, Uu Gan, Gashbell Go, Sai Guilfoyle, Andrew Guo, Yi Chen Happy, Ting Ho, Camel Hong, Zuo-Wen Hsu, Dino Hsu, Stella Hsu, Sedol Huang, Yen-Wei Huang, Gary Huang, Ren Lin Huang, Yuchia Idle, Xu Ji Jelle, Yu Johnson, Ari Lai, Arthur Lee, Subow Li, Doublest Liang, Phoenix Liao, Eric Liao, Andrew Lim, Ryan Lin, Jonathan Liou, Rudy Mu Qian, Guo One, Sean Rusty, Montana Sheng Po, Chiu Shieh, Yueh Ta Shin, Yang Singming, Lin Su, Tracey Tan, Shih Hau To, Hu Tseng, Yihsun Tseng, Alberttsen Wan, Zong Cheng Wu, Dien Yang, Marco Zh, Mojka
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Rita, Giacomo (ITA)  [member # 12108] Correspondence chess : 2424 FEM Ranked # 73 in the rating list. Rating history : 2382 2395 2413 2441 2445 2445 2424 Graph Advanced chess : 2255 Big chess : 1668 This member has no profile in the social network .
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