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Directory Players from ISRAEL ISR IL Abezgaus, Simon Ashrod, Tamara Ashrod, Elihana Ashrod, Kristine Barket, Chen Ben-Artzi, Ido Blinchevsky, Alexander Bnaya, Dror Cohen, Ben Dadon, Hanan Dakner, Nadav Dan, Shouky Don, Nodon Dounaevski, Michael Elias, Oren Fihman, Alex Ger, Leon Gershberg, Leonid Geshberg, Leonid Geva, Yoav Go, Isaac Goldberg, Itay Gonen, Barak Granit, Lior Green, Moshe Greenberg, Ofer Hector, Leon Hmidat, Zaki Horen, Moti Ioffe, Nick Jaber, Munder Joseph, Mark Kal, Izzak Kiat, Nissim Kju, Kami Kris, Mik Leibo, Udi Leibovitz, Ehud Levy, Shai Mityukov, Alexander Natewood, Jonathan Passal, Assaf Paz, Shahar Pi, Uzi Raed, Khirry Raz, Aharon Reiter, Daniel Reuveni, Amit Roytman, Numaris Salomon, Liron Segal, Yosi Shakar, Najib Shalom, Roni Shiposh, Nir Slavin, Pablo Suiss, Jonathan Tarakin, Alex Teper, Michael Toya, Akira Vaknin, Menahem Van, Matan Vorobey, Evgeniy Wainberg, Nimrod Yablonko, Eyal Ymous, Anon Yun, Zvi Zivony, Ofer
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Ludgate, Alan (IRL)  [member # 9121] Correspondence chess : 2475 SM Ranked # 37 in the rating list. Rating history : 2498 2498 2465 2483 2481 2481 2475 Graph Future rating : 2474 Games : 1 Result : 50 % Perf : 2452 This member has no profile in the social network .
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