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Directory Players from IRELAND IRL IE Adeagboescu, Patricia Ahern, Mick Ames, Andre Artesi, Stefano Bajalan, Hayvan Barbosa, Paulo Bolger, Chris Breen, Anthony Brennan, Richard Brennan, Ivan Brosnan, Philip Butler, John Cabins, Coppola Clancy, David Daly, Justin Delaney, Alan Denayer, Will Erasmus, Franklyn Ferguson, Drew Fijalkowski, Marek FitzGerald, Michael Froschbein, Gundel Guy, Blind Hanly, Steven Harding, Tim Ivlevas, Donatas Jilmer, Dave Kaci, Spiro Karzenauskas, Ceslovas Kavanagh, Steven Kenneally, Gary Koeller, Peter Lewis, Turlough Ludgate, Alan MacGabhain, Gearoid Magroyne, Holden McAree, Jim McCrum, Martin Meehan, Joseph Menzies, Colin Moore, Kieran Murphy, Austin Naughton, Patrick Naughton, Gavin Nevins, David O Brien, James O Brien, John O Callaghan, Oliver O Donnell, Conor O Donnell, Tim O Flaherty, Kevin O Sullivan, Seamus Ollivier, Gregoire Plunkett, Louis Rampton, Tim Reilly, Philip Simatupang, Agavi Smith, Mike Stonemann, Peter Anthony Tanasa, Alin Tom, Dan Wadding, Michael Zippo, Mickael
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Rita, Giacomo (ITA)  [member # 12108] Correspondence chess : 2424 FEM Ranked # 73 in the rating list. Rating history : 2382 2395 2413 2441 2445 2445 2424 Graph Advanced chess : 2255 Big chess : 1668 This member has no profile in the social network .
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