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Directory Players from CUBA CUB CU Abstengo, William Agraba, Rolando Alfonso, Javier Carrete, Yohanner Corliss, Rodrigo Cruz Cruz, Juan Enrique Cruz Ramirez, Eliecer de Paz, Yasset Del Pino Estenoz, Amado Rene Diaz, Jose Diaz Carreras, Leinier Dominguez Rodriguez, Yosvany Francesena, Gilbert Gonzalez, Augusto Gonzalez Labarta, Rubiel Alejandro Hernandez, Arioldis Herrera, Leonardo Josias, Josi Leon, Yoan Madiedo, Luis Mederos, Orlando Mila, Victor Morales, Alberto Naranjo, Teudis Naranjo, Evian Perez, Victor Perez Pupo, Juan Rafael Perod, Reuben Pistols, Richard Ramirez, Eliecer Rodriguez, Luis Alberto Romero, Reinaldo Rosabal, Rolando Rosabal Blanco, Marcos Antonio Russi Roman, Tano-Urayoan Sanchez, Mansilla Suarez, Sidelsi Suarez, Roberto Tome, Alexis Torres Puebla, Rafael Alejandro Valdes, Cuba
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Ludgate, Alan (IRL)  [member # 9121] Correspondence chess : 2475 SM Ranked # 37 in the rating list. Rating history : 2498 2498 2465 2483 2481 2481 2475 Graph Future rating : 2474 Games : 1 Result : 50 % Perf : 2452 This member has no profile in the social network .
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