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Directory Players from AUSTRIA AUT AT Aigner, Michael Caralde, Joselito Caus, Emsad Devine, Chris Dudulec, Konstantin Duller, Matthias Erler, Thomas Farley, Paule Frank, Karl Gangl, Herwig Gassner, Simon Gugu, Maha Haeusler, Werner Hamberger, Hermann Hauser, Siegfried Henry, David Hoe, Joe Holzer, Michael Imausi, Lex Janisch, Manfred Kaufmann, Peter Komaromi, Gabor Krachler, Raphael Krames, Wolfgang Kreindl, Helmut Kumar, Bharat Kund, Wolfgang Lenz, Alarich Lewisch, Thomas Loeschnauer, Rudiger Long, Sophie Lumma, Liborius Mat, Herbert Matosek, Thomas Mayer, Hans Monk, Hellfjord Mueller, Robert Mulalic, Dino Obermaier, Franz Panchani, Anju Prato, Simon Rada, Hannes Riemer, Wolfgang Riha, Josef Sabin, Patrick Schwarz, Benedikt Seidl, Wolfgang Selzer, Michael Sun, Jie Wiesner, Hans-Dieter Zapf, Peter
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Bleker, Frits (GRC)  [member # 1397] Correspondence chess : 2469 Ranked # 43 in the rating list. Rating history : 2470 2470 2470 2469 2469 2469 2469 Graph This member has no profile in the social network .
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