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Search There are 98 results for szabo sandor in the games.Game_9113 Game_9118 Game_9122 Game_9125 Game_9127 Game_9128 Game_10412 Game_10417 Game_10422 Game_10423 Game_10424 Game_10425 Game_10453 Game_10459 Game_10460 Game_10461 Game_10462 Game_10463 Game_10537 Game_10543 Game_10544 Game_10545 Game_10546 Game_10547 Game_12559 Game_12566 Game_12572 Game_12577 Game_12581 Game_12584 Game_12587 Game_12588 Game_17333 Game_17340 Game_17346 Game_17351 Game_17355 Game_17358 Game_17361 Game_17362 Game_24482 Game_24618 Game_24584 Game_24587 Game_24466 Game_24475 Game_24471 Game_24628 Game_24480 Game_24581 Game_24478 Game_24622 Game_24577 Game_24626 Game_24627 Game_24572 Game_24588 Game_24613 Game_28483 Game_28490 Game_28496 Game_28501 Game_28505 Game_28509 Game_28510 Game_28511 Game_139932 Game_139937 Game_139941 Game_139945 Game_139946 Game_139947 Game_143320 Game_143321 Game_143326 Game_143327 Game_143330 Game_143331 Game_143332 Game_143333 Game_143571 Game_143576 Game_143581 Game_143582 Game_143583 Game_143584 Game_143655 Game_143661 Game_143662 Game_143663 Game_143664 Game_143665 Game_143719 Game_143724 Game_143729 Game_143730 Game_143731 Game_143732 There are at least 0 results for szabo_sandor in the forum. There are 49 results for szabo_sandor in wikichess. Sandor Szabo (1959) e4 c5 g3 Nc6 d3 Transpose to wikichess #22134# ============ Contributors : Sandor Szabo
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Eldridge, Mark (GBR)  [member # 7684] Correspondence chess : 2409 FSM Ranked # 80 in the rating list. Rating history : 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2409 Graph Future rating : 2416 Games : 3 Result : 50 % Perf : 2453 Advanced chess : 2296 This member has no profile in the social network .
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