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Search There are 174 results for suwara kazimierz in the games.Game_33136 Game_33141 Game_33145 Game_33149 Game_33150 Game_33151 Game_33608 Game_33613 Game_33618 Game_33619 Game_33620 Game_33621 Game_72390 Game_71198 Game_71194 Game_71201 Game_71189 Game_71204 Game_71205 Game_72395 Game_72399 Game_72402 Game_72404 Game_72406 Game_77500 Game_77505 Game_77509 Game_77512 Game_77514 Game_77516 Game_78708 Game_78709 Game_78710 Game_78711 Game_78712 Game_78713 Game_83774 Game_81693 Game_81698 Game_81702 Game_81705 Game_81707 Game_81709 Game_83779 Game_83784 Game_83785 Game_83786 Game_83787 Game_87859 Game_87864 Game_87868 Game_87872 Game_87873 Game_87874 Game_114655 Game_114654 Game_114653 Game_114652 Game_114651 Game_114645 Game_104343 Game_104348 Game_104352 Game_104356 Game_104357 Game_104358 Game_118882 Game_118888 Game_118889 Game_118890 Game_118891 Game_118892 Game_121671 Game_121672 Game_121673 Game_121674 Game_121675 Game_121676 Game_123961 Game_123962 Game_123963 Game_123964 Game_123965 Game_123966 Game_125449 Game_125454 Game_125458 Game_125461 Game_125464 Game_125465 Game_128758 Game_128763 Game_128767 Game_128771 Game_128772 Game_128773 Game_129560 Game_129559 Game_129564 Game_129563 Game_129562 Game_129561 Game_130978 Game_130983 Game_130987 Game_130990 Game_130992 Game_130994 Game_140596 Game_133264 Game_133269 Game_133273 Game_133277 Game_133278 Game_133279 Game_140595 Game_136459 Game_136465 Game_136466 Game_136467 Game_136468 Game_136469 Game_137484 Game_137485 Game_137486 Game_137487 Game_137488 Game_137489 Game_141532 Game_140597 Game_140598 Game_140599 Game_140600 Game_141538 Game_141539 Game_141540 Game_141541 Game_141542 Game_143697 Game_143703 Game_143704 Game_143705 Game_143706 Game_143707 Game_144166 Game_144167 Game_144168 Game_144169 Game_144170 Game_144171 Game_144378 Game_144384 Game_144385 Game_144386 Game_144387 Game_144388 Game_146398 Game_146403 Game_146407 Game_146410 Game_146413 Game_146414 Game_146822 Game_146827 Game_146831 Game_146834 Game_146836 Game_146838 Game_147881 Game_147887 Game_147888 Game_147889 Game_147890 Game_147891 There are at least 0 results for suwara_kazimierz in the forum. There are 100 results for suwara_kazimierz in wikichess. Kazimierz Suwara (1940) d4 c5 d5 e5 e4 d6 c4 Be7 Nf3 Nf6 Nc3 Transpose to wikichess #16213# ============ Contributors : Kazimierz Suwara Kazimierz Suwara (1938) e4 e5 Nf3 d6 d4 exd4 Nxd4 Nf6 Nc3 Be7 Bf4 O-O Qd2 c6 f3 b5 O-O-O Transpose to wikichess #192323# ============ Contributors : Kazimierz Suwara Kazimierz Suwara (1876) d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 d5 cxd5 Nxd5 e4 Nxc3 bxc3 Bg7 Bc4 c5 Be3 O-O Ne2 Transpose to wikichess #123788# ============ Contributors : Kazimierz Suwara
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Rita, Giacomo (ITA)  [member # 12108] Correspondence chess : 2417 FEM Ranked # 75 in the rating list. Rating history : 2395 2413 2441 2445 2445 2424 2417 Graph Future rating : 2410 Games : 5 Result : 50 % Perf : 2385 Advanced chess : 2255 Big chess : 1668 This member has no profile in the social network .
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