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There are 176 results for solino leonardo in the games.
Game_17128 Game_16973 Game_16978 Game_16982 Game_16985 Game_16987 Game_16988 Game_17133 Game_17137 Game_17140 Game_17143 Game_17144 Game_17213 Game_17214 Game_17215 Game_17216 Game_17217 Game_17218 Game_17580 Game_17581 Game_17582 Game_17583 Game_17584 Game_17585 Game_17586 Game_17587 Game_17923 Game_17928 Game_17933 Game_17934 Game_17935 Game_17936 Game_17989 Game_17994 Game_17998 Game_18001 Game_18003 Game_18005 Game_18028 Game_18029 Game_18030 Game_18031 Game_18032 Game_18033 Game_21585 Game_21577 Game_21593 Game_21743 Game_21572 Game_21520 Game_21525 Game_21529 Game_21532 Game_21535 Game_21536 Game_21748 Game_21602 Game_21586 Game_21606 Game_21581 Game_21607 Game_21608 Game_21587 Game_21598 Game_21753 Game_21754 Game_21755 Game_21756 Game_39265 Game_39260 Game_39220 Game_39225 Game_39229 Game_39232 Game_39234 Game_39235 Game_39270 Game_39271 Game_39272 Game_39273 Game_39323 Game_39324 Game_39325 Game_39326 Game_39327 Game_39328 Game_39369 Game_39374 Game_39378 Game_39381 Game_39383 Game_39385 Game_39388 Game_39393 Game_39397 Game_39401 Game_39402 Game_39403 Game_39496 Game_39501 Game_39505 Game_39508 Game_39511 Game_39512 Game_39514 Game_39515 Game_39516 Game_39517 Game_39518 Game_39519 Game_39601 Game_39606 Game_39611 Game_39612 Game_39613 Game_39614 Game_39884 Game_39889 Game_39894 Game_39895 Game_39896 Game_39897 Game_45742 Game_45747 Game_45751 Game_45755 Game_45756 Game_45757 Game_45765 Game_45770 Game_45774 Game_45777 Game_45779 Game_45781 Game_46083 Game_46089 Game_46090 Game_46091 Game_46092 Game_46093 Game_53721 Game_53726 Game_53730 Game_53733 Game_53735 Game_53737 Game_53740 Game_53745 Game_53749 Game_53753 Game_53754 Game_53755 Game_53896 Game_53901 Game_53905 Game_53908 Game_53910 Game_53912 Game_65744 Game_65749 Game_65753 Game_65756 Game_65758 Game_65759 Game_65803 Game_65804 Game_65805 Game_65806 Game_65807 Game_65808 Game_65959 Game_65964 Game_65968 Game_65972 Game_65973 Game_65974
There are at least 0 results for solino_leonardo in the forum.
There are 24 results for solino_leonardo in wikichess.
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Play the strongest international correspondence chess players !
Marciz, Alexander (RUS)  [member # 11810]
Correspondence chess : 2501 FIM
Ranked # 25 in the rating list.
Rating history : No change this year.
Advanced chess : 2332
Bestlogik - 2360. LSS - 2445

This member has no profile in the social network.
Correspondence chess
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