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There are 126 results for sobietski piotr in the games.
Game_8163 Game_7940 Game_7945 Game_7949 Game_7952 Game_7955 Game_7956 Game_8164 Game_8165 Game_8166 Game_8167 Game_8168 Game_8185 Game_8190 Game_8195 Game_8196 Game_8197 Game_8198 Game_8625 Game_8626 Game_8627 Game_8628 Game_8629 Game_8630 Game_8943 Game_8948 Game_8952 Game_8955 Game_8958 Game_8959 Game_9173 Game_9178 Game_9182 Game_9186 Game_9187 Game_9188 Game_26074 Game_26069 Game_26078 Game_26081 Game_26084 Game_26085 Game_26259 Game_26260 Game_26261 Game_26262 Game_26263 Game_26264 Game_42141 Game_42142 Game_42143 Game_42139 Game_42140 Game_42144 Game_42248 Game_42253 Game_41634 Game_41639 Game_41643 Game_41646 Game_41648 Game_41649 Game_41654 Game_41659 Game_41663 Game_41666 Game_41668 Game_41670 Game_41771 Game_41776 Game_41780 Game_41783 Game_41785 Game_41787 Game_42258 Game_42259 Game_42260 Game_42261 Game_44620 Game_44625 Game_44630 Game_44631 Game_44632 Game_44633 Game_47254 Game_47259 Game_47263 Game_47267 Game_47268 Game_47269 Game_47276 Game_47281 Game_47286 Game_47287 Game_47288 Game_47289 Game_49129 Game_49134 Game_49138 Game_49141 Game_49143 Game_49145 Game_49150 Game_49155 Game_49159 Game_49162 Game_49164 Game_49166 Game_49193 Game_49198 Game_49202 Game_49206 Game_49207 Game_49208 Game_71916 Game_71921 Game_71925 Game_71928 Game_71930 Game_71932 Game_72067 Game_72073 Game_72074 Game_72075 Game_72076 Game_72077
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There are 0 results for sobietski_piotr in wikichess.
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Play the strongest international correspondence chess players !
Pichelin, Xavier (FRA)  [member # 211]
Correspondence chess : 2453
Ranked # 54 in the rating list.
Rating history : No change this year.
Advanced chess : 2192 Big chess : 2219 Poker holdem : 2115
World Champion FICGS 0001
World Champion FICGS 0002

This member has no profile in the social network.
Correspondence chess
World championship
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Advanced chess
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Fischer random chess
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