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Search There are 170 results for nagy attila in the games.Game_9656 Game_9344 Game_9349 Game_9353 Game_9356 Game_9358 Game_9359 Game_9385 Game_9390 Game_9394 Game_9397 Game_9399 Game_9401 Game_9654 Game_9655 Game_9423 Game_9429 Game_9430 Game_9431 Game_9432 Game_9433 Game_9466 Game_9471 Game_9476 Game_9477 Game_9478 Game_9479 Game_9509 Game_9514 Game_9518 Game_9522 Game_9523 Game_9524 Game_9572 Game_9577 Game_9581 Game_9585 Game_9586 Game_9587 Game_9657 Game_9658 Game_9659 Game_9677 Game_9682 Game_9686 Game_9690 Game_9691 Game_9692 Game_9782 Game_9787 Game_9792 Game_9793 Game_9794 Game_9795 Game_9802 Game_9803 Game_9804 Game_9805 Game_9806 Game_9807 Game_9823 Game_9824 Game_9825 Game_9826 Game_9827 Game_9828 Game_10642 Game_9950 Game_9955 Game_9960 Game_9961 Game_9962 Game_9963 Game_10267 Game_10272 Game_10276 Game_10279 Game_10282 Game_10283 Game_10289 Game_10294 Game_10298 Game_10301 Game_10303 Game_10305 Game_10414 Game_10419 Game_10423 Game_10426 Game_10429 Game_10430 Game_10497 Game_10502 Game_10506 Game_10510 Game_10511 Game_10512 Game_10643 Game_10644 Game_10645 Game_10646 Game_10647 Game_10942 Game_10948 Game_10949 Game_10950 Game_10951 Game_10952 Game_11135 Game_11140 Game_11145 Game_11146 Game_11147 Game_11148 Game_11180 Game_11185 Game_11190 Game_11191 Game_11192 Game_11193 Game_11687 Game_11692 Game_11696 Game_11699 Game_11701 Game_11703 Game_11746 Game_11752 Game_11753 Game_11754 Game_11755 Game_11756 Game_11769 Game_11774 Game_11778 Game_11782 Game_11783 Game_11784 Game_12737 Game_12744 Game_12750 Game_12755 Game_12760 Game_12761 Game_12762 Game_12763 Game_13602 Game_13603 Game_13604 Game_13605 Game_13606 Game_13607 Game_13670 Game_13675 Game_13679 Game_13682 Game_13684 Game_13685 Game_14205 Game_14210 Game_14214 Game_14217 Game_14219 Game_14221 Game_14266 Game_14271 Game_14275 Game_14279 Game_14280 Game_14281 There are at least 0 results for nagy_attila in the forum. There are 1 results for nagy_attila in wikichess. Attila Nagy (1677) b4 e5 Bb2 Bxb4 Bxe5 Nc6 Black continues with Nc6 development with a tempi
Contributors : Attila Nagy
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Eldridge, Mark (GBR)  [member # 7684] Correspondence chess : 2409 FSM Ranked # 80 in the rating list. Rating history : 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2402 2409 Graph Future rating : 2416 Games : 3 Result : 50 % Perf : 2453 Advanced chess : 2296 This member has no profile in the social network .
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