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Search There are 78 results for mascetra nicola in the games.Game_18947 Game_18968 Game_18929 Game_18934 Game_18938 Game_18941 Game_18943 Game_18944 Game_18952 Game_18956 Game_18960 Game_18961 Game_18962 Game_18969 Game_18970 Game_18971 Game_18972 Game_18973 Game_22393 Game_22400 Game_22406 Game_22412 Game_22413 Game_22414 Game_22415 Game_22416 Game_26599 Game_26605 Game_26606 Game_26607 Game_26608 Game_26609 Game_29377 Game_29379 Game_29564 Game_29571 Game_29578 Game_29579 Game_29580 Game_29581 Game_29582 Game_29583 Game_31692 Game_31697 Game_31701 Game_31704 Game_31706 Game_31707 Game_36559 Game_36554 Game_36952 Game_36564 Game_36959 Game_36567 Game_36566 Game_36956 Game_36565 Game_36947 Game_36961 Game_36962 Game_43765 Game_43770 Game_43775 Game_43776 Game_43777 Game_43778 Game_43785 Game_43791 Game_43792 Game_43793 Game_43794 Game_43795 Game_45203 Game_45208 Game_45213 Game_45214 Game_45215 Game_45216 There are at least 0 results for mascetra_nicola in the forum. There are 0 results for mascetra_nicola in wikichess.
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Rita, Giacomo (ITA)  [member # 12108] Correspondence chess : 2417 FEM Ranked # 75 in the rating list. Rating history : 2395 2413 2441 2445 2445 2424 2417 Graph Future rating : 2414 Games : 3 Result : 50 % Perf : 2395 Advanced chess : 2255 Big chess : 1668 This member has no profile in the social network .
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