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E. Cruz Ramirez, 2096
A. Pirogov, 2194


See game 146545

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There are 24 results for lu ke in the games.

Game_17870   Game_17871   Game_17872   Game_17873   Game_17874   Game_17875   Game_22701   Game_22703   Game_22803   Game_22700   Game_22702   Game_22699   Game_22805   Game_22696   Game_22697   Game_22698   Game_22802   Game_22804   Game_22801   Game_29791   Game_29792   Game_29793   Game_29794   Game_29795  

There are at least 5 results for lu_ke in the forum.

Scott Nichols    (2013-09-20 21:16:08)
Active players list

Then there are a lot of lurkers here, :)

Garvin Gray    (2013-09-20 09:23:43)
Active players list

Paul, an issue with is, how do you define playing a game? Do you mean having a game that has finished, just starting, or have made a move?

I think a person should have games in progress and be making moves to be considered active.

A person can log into a site (any site) but not actually be active. They are called lurkers.

Svante Carl von Erichsen    (2009-08-28 09:44:30)

Thank you very much.

I must admit, though, that I am a bit disappointed that all these games were decided by the clock. Game 1, I am definitely behind, Game 2, I think that I have a winning position, Game 3 is very close and would have been decided by endgame (there are some very large points open), Game 4, I am back in the game after installing a group in his moyo, but I believe he is still slightly ahead, Game 5, I think that he has to defend the group at the bottom now, so I can reduce the left side, then switch to the top right corner; I am still relatively thin at the top (compared to the rest of the board), so I think the game would have had to be decided in a fight there.

So, all in all, I think that these were really interesting games, and it is a pity that they were finished too early. Lu Ke is a very strong player, and I am really lucky to have a positive score against him. I just hope that my next opponent pays a bit more attention to the clock.

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-08-28 01:06:17)
S.C. von Erichsen is FICGS Go champion !

Svante Carl von Erichsen is FICGS Go champion, for the 3rd time... after winning 2 more games in the 5 games final match which looked like in some ways to the previous one with Ke Lu.

Congrats again Svante Carl ! Definitely we need more strong players to try to rivalize :)

Here is the 4th game that just finished :

( ; FF[1] GM[1] SZ[19] AP[Ficgs] RU[Chinese] GN[von Erichsen,Svante Carl-Lu,Ke] HA[0] KM[7.5] WR[2653] PW[von Erichsen,Svante Carl] BR[2483] PB[Lu,Ke] DT[February 28 3:6:11 CET 2009] RE[W+T] ; B[pd] ; W[dc] ; B[pp] ; W[eq] ; B[pj] ; W[nq] ; B[lq] ; W[no] ; B[pn] ; W[kp] ; B[lp] ; W[lo] ; B[kq] ; W[jp] ; B[jq] ; W[ip] ; B[hq] ; W[hp] ; B[gq] ; W[gp] ; B[fq] ; W[fp] ; B[er] ; W[dr] ; B[dq] ; W[ep] ; B[fr] ; W[cq] ; B[cj] ; W[ch] ; B[co] ; W[cn] ; B[bn] ; W[dn] ; B[cm] ; W[nc] ; B[kd] ; W[ne] ; B[pf] ; W[ng] ; B[gc] ; W[ic] ; B[id] ; W[jd] ; B[jc] ; W[je] ; B[ib] ; W[kc] ; B[hc] ; W[de] ; B[lc] ; W[ph] ; B[oh] ; W[qe] ; B[pe] ; W[pg] ; B[og] ; W[of] ; B[pi] ; W[qf] ; B[rh] ; W[qd] ; B[pc] ; W[qc] ; B[qg] ; W[pb] ; B[ob] ; W[qb] ; B[nb] ; W[nh] ; B[qh] ; W[pl] ; B[om] ; W[qo] ; B[po] ; W[qp] ; B[qn] ; W[pq] ; B[oq] ; W[pr] ; B[or] ; W[rq] ; B[mj] ; W[mc] ; B[kb] ; W[lf] ; B[lh] ; W[jg] ; B[ji] ; W[mb] ; B[oc] ; W[ie] ; B[he] ; W[hf] ; B[gf] ; W[hg] ; B[mf] ; W[me] ; B[mg] ; W[ke] ; B[ld] ; W[le] ; B[nf] ; W[eh] ; B[hi] ; W[kh] ; B[ki] ; W[rn] ; B[rm] ; W[ro] ; B[ql] ; W[bk] ; B[bj] ; W[cl] ; B[dm] ; W[bm] ; B[bo] ; W[dl] ; B[dp] ; W[br] ; B[em] ; W[en] )

Thibault de Vassal    (2009-07-24 20:01:57)
New : Go games in the forum

Now you can post complete Go games in all FICGS forums with the nice interface Eidogo (Flash), see the Help section to know how to do it with the SGF /SGF tags.

In example :

( ; FF[1] GM[1] SZ[19] AP[Ficgs] RU[Chinese] GN[Lu,Ke-von Erichsen,Svante Carl] HA[0] KM[7.5] WR[2483] PW[Lu,Ke] BR[2653] PB[von Erichsen,Svante Carl] DT[February 28 3:6:11 CET 2009] ; B[pd] ; W[dp] ; B[pq] ; W[dd] ; B[fc] ; W[cf] ; B[jd] ; W[po] ; B[pl] ; W[mp] ; B[no] ; W[mo] ; B[oo] ; W[hq] ; B[nq] ; W[mq] ; B[cn] ; W[cp] ; B[ck] ; W[qf] ; B[qh] ; W[nc] ; B[qc] ; W[oe] ; B[pe] ; W[pf] ; B[of] ; W[ph] ; B[od] ; W[ne] ; B[nd] ; W[me] ; B[md] ; W[le] ; B[ld] ; W[qi] ; B[fe] ; W[he] ; B[ke] ; W[lg] ; B[kf] ; W[hg] ; B[jh] ; W[hc] ; B[fg] ; W[hi] ; B[cc] ; W[dc] ; B[cd] ; W[de] ; B[db] ; W[eb] ; B[cb] ; W[fb] ; B[be] ; W[dj] ; B[cj] ; W[di] ; B[el] ; W[dm] ; B[bm] ; W[dn] ; B[dk] ; W[gm] ; B[gh] ; W[hh] ; B[gj] ; W[ef] ; B[ff] ; W[fj] ; B[gi] ; W[fk] ; B[gd] ; W[hd] ; B[ec] ; W[ci] ; B[bi] ; W[gc] ; B[hk] ; W[bh] ; B[jk] ; W[jb] ; B[kb] ; W[kc] ; B[lb] ; W[hb] ; B[hj] ; W[ga] ; B[aj] ; W[gl] ; B[bo] ; W[bp] ; B[jn] ; W[il] ; B[hl] ; W[hm] ; B[ln] ; W[mn] ; B[ll] ; W[jp] ; B[ng] ; W[og] ; B[nr] )

There are 100 results for lu_ke in wikichess.

Louis Plunkett    (1647)
c4 e5 g3 Bc5 Bg2 Nc6

Transpose to wikichess #34192#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1630)
c4 e5 g3 Bc5 Nc3 Nc6

Transpose to wikichess #13271#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1629)
c4 e5 g3 d5 cxd5 Qxd5 Nf3 Nc6 Nc3 Qd8 Bg2 Nf6

Transpose to wikichess #23466#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1629)
c4 Nf6 g3 c6 Bg2 d5 Nf3 e6

Transpose to wikichess #78597#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1559)
c4 c5 g3 Nc6 Bg2 Nf6

Transpose to wikichess #11152#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1559)
c4 g6 g3 Nf6

Transpose to wikichess #10679#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1592)
c3 Nc6 e4

Transpose to wikichess #31300#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1498)
e4 c5 Nf3 Nc6 b3

Transpose to wikichess #26818#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

Louis Plunkett    (1498)
d4 d5 c4 Nc6 e3 e5 dxe5 d4 Nf3

Transpose to wikichess #122760#


Contributors : Louis Plunkett

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