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Search There are 74 results for kalinin valery in the games.Game_18901 Game_16861 Game_16866 Game_16870 Game_16873 Game_16875 Game_16877 Game_16904 Game_16909 Game_16913 Game_16916 Game_16918 Game_16919 Game_16930 Game_16935 Game_16939 Game_16942 Game_16944 Game_16946 Game_17259 Game_17266 Game_17272 Game_17277 Game_17282 Game_17283 Game_17284 Game_17285 Game_18665 Game_18671 Game_18672 Game_18673 Game_18674 Game_18675 Game_18906 Game_18911 Game_18912 Game_18913 Game_18914 Game_20030 Game_19905 Game_19910 Game_19914 Game_19918 Game_19919 Game_19920 Game_20036 Game_20037 Game_20038 Game_20039 Game_20040 Game_25471 Game_25460 Game_25455 Game_25467 Game_25470 Game_25464 Game_25557 Game_25558 Game_25559 Game_25560 Game_25561 Game_25562 Game_25601 Game_25606 Game_25610 Game_25614 Game_25615 Game_25616 Game_25642 Game_25647 Game_25652 Game_25653 Game_25654 Game_25655 There are at least 0 results for kalinin_valery in the forum. There are 0 results for kalinin_valery in wikichess.
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Schulz, Hans (DEU)  [member # 14450] Correspondence chess : 2380 Ranked # 98 in the rating list. Rating history : 2393 2387 2380 2380 2380 Graph This member has no profile in the social network .
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