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There are 71 results for ionescu catalin in the games.
Game_7498 Game_7503 Game_7507 Game_7511 Game_7512 Game_7513 Game_7561 Game_7566 Game_7570 Game_7574 Game_7575 Game_7576 Game_7580 Game_7586 Game_7587 Game_7588 Game_7589 Game_7590 Game_7644 Game_7649 Game_7654 Game_7655 Game_7656 Game_7657 Game_7769 Game_7770 Game_7771 Game_7772 Game_7773 Game_7774 Game_7811 Game_7812 Game_7813 Game_7814 Game_7815 Game_7816 Game_9070 Game_9075 Game_9079 Game_9082 Game_9084 Game_9086 Game_9780 Game_11006 Game_11011 Game_11016 Game_11017 Game_11018 Game_11019 Game_12703 Game_12710 Game_12716 Game_12721 Game_12725 Game_12728 Game_12731 Game_12732 Game_15585 Game_15590 Game_15595 Game_15596 Game_15597 Game_15598 Game_17622 Game_17629 Game_17635 Game_17640 Game_17644 Game_17647 Game_17649 Game_17651
There are at least 0 results for ionescu_catalin in the forum.
There are 0 results for ionescu_catalin in wikichess.
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Play the strongest international correspondence chess players !
Marciz, Alexander (RUS)  [member # 11810]
Correspondence chess : 2501 FIM
Ranked # 25 in the rating list.
Rating history : No change this year.
Advanced chess : 2332
Bestlogik - 2360. LSS - 2445

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