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Search There are 126 results for bergmann michael in the games.Game_36292 Game_36291 Game_36287 Game_36290 Game_36288 Game_36289 Game_36286 Game_36285 Game_45584 Game_45585 Game_45586 Game_45587 Game_45588 Game_45589 Game_45590 Game_45591 Game_61894 Game_61895 Game_61896 Game_61897 Game_61898 Game_61899 Game_61900 Game_61901 Game_69113 Game_69114 Game_69115 Game_69116 Game_69117 Game_69118 Game_69119 Game_69120 Game_74383 Game_74384 Game_74385 Game_74386 Game_74387 Game_74388 Game_74389 Game_74390 Game_83218 Game_83219 Game_83220 Game_83221 Game_83222 Game_83223 Game_83224 Game_83225 Game_86895 Game_86896 Game_86897 Game_86898 Game_86899 Game_86900 Game_86901 Game_86902 Game_92006 Game_92007 Game_92008 Game_92009 Game_92010 Game_92011 Game_92012 Game_92013 Game_95144 Game_95145 Game_95146 Game_95147 Game_95148 Game_95149 Game_103185 Game_103186 Game_103187 Game_103188 Game_103189 Game_103190 Game_103430 Game_103436 Game_103437 Game_103438 Game_103439 Game_103440 Game_111767 Game_111774 Game_111780 Game_111786 Game_111787 Game_111788 Game_111789 Game_111790 Game_111833 Game_111834 Game_111835 Game_111836 Game_111837 Game_111838 Game_111839 Game_111840 Game_117452 Game_117458 Game_117459 Game_117460 Game_117461 Game_117462 Game_117810 Game_117811 Game_117812 Game_117813 Game_117814 Game_117815 Game_122248 Game_122249 Game_122250 Game_122251 Game_122252 Game_122253 Game_122254 Game_122255 Game_127385 Game_127386 Game_127387 Game_127388 Game_127389 Game_127390 Game_127391 Game_127392 There are at least 0 results for bergmann_michael in the forum. There are 100 results for bergmann_michael in wikichess. Michael Bergmann (2352) e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 a6 Ba4 Nf6 O-O Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 d6 c3 O-O h3 Bb7 d4 Re8 Nbd2 Bf8 a3 h6 Bc2 d5 dxe5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Rxe5 Transpose to wikichess #66680# ============ Contributors : Michael Bergmann Michael Bergmann (2394) d4 Nf6 c4 e6 Nc3 Bb4 f3 O-O a3 Bxc3 bxc3 b6 e4 Nc6 Bd3 d6 Transpose to wikichess #130409# ============ Contributors : Michael Bergmann
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Gazi, Miroslav (SVK)  [member # 7634] Correspondence chess : 2403 FEM Ranked # 83 in the rating list. Rating history : 2416 2420 2426 2421 2421 2416 2403 Graph Future rating : 2398 Games : 1 Result : 50 % Perf : 2303 Advanced chess : 2299 Big chess : 1951 This member has no profile in the social network .
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