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Search There are 86 results for Ploscaru Stelian in the games.Game_125973 Game_125978 Game_125982 Game_125986 Game_125987 Game_125988 Game_126083 Game_126088 Game_126093 Game_126094 Game_126095 Game_126096 Game_128612 Game_128617 Game_128621 Game_128624 Game_128627 Game_128628 Game_130303 Game_130304 Game_130305 Game_130306 Game_130307 Game_130308 Game_130345 Game_130351 Game_130352 Game_130353 Game_130354 Game_130355 Game_134115 Game_134120 Game_134124 Game_134127 Game_134129 Game_134130 Game_135430 Game_135435 Game_135439 Game_135442 Game_135444 Game_135446 Game_137150 Game_137155 Game_137159 Game_137162 Game_137165 Game_137166 Game_138597 Game_138598 Game_138605 Game_138606 Game_138607 Game_138608 Game_138609 Game_138610 Game_139952 Game_139957 Game_139962 Game_139963 Game_139964 Game_139965 Game_139974 Game_139979 Game_139983 Game_139987 Game_139988 Game_139989 Game_141807 Game_141813 Game_141814 Game_141815 Game_141816 Game_141817 Game_142832 Game_142837 Game_142841 Game_142844 Game_142846 Game_142848 Game_144893 Game_144898 Game_144902 Game_144905 Game_144907 Game_144908 There are at least 0 results for Ploscaru_Stelian in the forum. There are 100 results for Ploscaru_Stelian in wikichess. Stelian Ploscaru (2140) e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 d3 Bc5 c3 O-O O-O d5 Nbd2 dxe4 dxe4 Qe7 Qe2 a5 Ba4 h6 Nc4 Qe6 Re1 Re8 Bb3 Qe7 Ba4 Qe6 Transpose to wikichess #200876# ============ Contributors : Stelian Ploscaru
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Morano, Angel (ARG)  [member # 14268] Correspondence chess : 2435 Ranked # 67 in the rating list. Rating history : 2419 2419 2419 2435 2435 2435 2435 Graph This member has no profile in the social network .
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