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There are 181 results for Lupinacci Nicola in the games.
Game_5873 Game_5878 Game_5882 Game_5885 Game_5887 Game_5888 Game_5955 Game_5960 Game_5964 Game_5967 Game_5970 Game_5971 Game_6754 Game_6759 Game_6763 Game_6766 Game_6768 Game_6770 Game_7391 Game_7397 Game_7398 Game_7399 Game_7400 Game_7401 Game_8459 Game_8464 Game_8468 Game_8472 Game_8473 Game_8474 Game_8756 Game_8761 Game_8765 Game_8768 Game_8770 Game_8771 Game_10181 Game_10186 Game_10191 Game_10192 Game_10193 Game_10194 Game_11811 Game_12811 Game_12818 Game_12824 Game_12829 Game_12833 Game_12836 Game_12839 Game_12840 Game_17334 Game_17341 Game_17347 Game_17352 Game_17356 Game_17359 Game_17361 Game_17363 Game_17852 Game_17857 Game_17861 Game_17864 Game_17867 Game_17868 Game_18134 Game_18135 Game_18136 Game_18137 Game_18138 Game_18139 Game_18538 Game_18750 Game_23397 Game_23153 Game_23396 Game_23542 Game_23213 Game_23214 Game_22470 Game_22477 Game_22483 Game_22488 Game_22492 Game_22495 Game_22497 Game_22498 Game_23211 Game_23388 Game_23168 Game_23166 Game_23199 Game_23545 Game_23158 Game_23395 Game_23204 Game_23208 Game_23237 Game_23167 Game_23162 Game_23093 Game_23098 Game_23102 Game_23105 Game_23107 Game_23108 Game_23398 Game_23544 Game_23394 Game_23543 Game_23541 Game_23535 Game_37166 Game_41408 Game_41413 Game_41417 Game_41420 Game_41422 Game_41424 Game_41922 Game_41923 Game_41924 Game_41925 Game_41926 Game_41927 Game_42907 Game_42913 Game_42914 Game_42915 Game_42916 Game_42917 Game_44871 Game_44876 Game_44880 Game_44883 Game_44885 Game_44886 Game_77043 Game_77048 Game_77052 Game_77055 Game_77057 Game_77058 Game_77159 Game_77164 Game_77168 Game_77171 Game_77173 Game_77175 Game_79256 Game_79263 Game_79269 Game_79274 Game_79278 Game_79281 Game_79283 Game_79285 Game_90599 Game_90153 Game_90158 Game_90163 Game_90164 Game_90165 Game_90166 Game_90604 Game_90608 Game_90612 Game_90613 Game_90614 Game_90919 Game_90924 Game_90928 Game_90931 Game_90933 Game_90935 Game_91067 Game_91072 Game_91076 Game_91079 Game_91081 Game_91083
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There are 44 results for Lupinacci_Nicola in wikichess.
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Play the strongest international correspondence chess players !
Marciz, Alexander (RUS)  [member # 11810]
Correspondence chess : 2501 FIM
Ranked # 25 in the rating list.
Rating history : No change this year.
Advanced chess : 2332
Bestlogik - 2360. LSS - 2445

This member has no profile in the social network.
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