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Search There are 118 results for Borisovs Leonids in the games.Game_8945 Game_8950 Game_8954 Game_8957 Game_8959 Game_8960 Game_9025 Game_9030 Game_9035 Game_9036 Game_9037 Game_9038 Game_12626 Game_12634 Game_12635 Game_12636 Game_12637 Game_12638 Game_12639 Game_12640 Game_14583 Game_14588 Game_14593 Game_14594 Game_14595 Game_14596 Game_17760 Game_17768 Game_17769 Game_17770 Game_17771 Game_17772 Game_17773 Game_17774 Game_18052 Game_18057 Game_18061 Game_18065 Game_18066 Game_18067 Game_20741 Game_20746 Game_20751 Game_20752 Game_20753 Game_20754 Game_22247 Game_22248 Game_22249 Game_22250 Game_22251 Game_22252 Game_22253 Game_22254 Game_22848 Game_22854 Game_22855 Game_22856 Game_22857 Game_22858 Game_23793 Game_23798 Game_23802 Game_23805 Game_23808 Game_23809 Game_28659 Game_28667 Game_28668 Game_28669 Game_28670 Game_28671 Game_28672 Game_28673 Game_37564 Game_31131 Game_31136 Game_31140 Game_31144 Game_31145 Game_31146 Game_37555 Game_37570 Game_37568 Game_37560 Game_37569 Game_45680 Game_45685 Game_45689 Game_45692 Game_45694 Game_45696 Game_123913 Game_123918 Game_123922 Game_123925 Game_123927 Game_123928 Game_123931 Game_123936 Game_123941 Game_123942 Game_123943 Game_123944 Game_126828 Game_126833 Game_126837 Game_126840 Game_126842 Game_126844 Game_127134 Game_127141 Game_127148 Game_127149 Game_127150 Game_127151 Game_127152 Game_127153 There are at least 0 results for Borisovs_Leonids in the forum. There are 32 results for Borisovs_Leonids in wikichess. Leonids Borisovs (1994) d4 Nf6 c4 g6 Nc3 Bg7 e4 d6 h3 O-O Be3 Na6 Nf3 e5 d5 Transpose to wikichess #77513# ============ Contributors : Leonids Borisovs
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Schulz, Hans (DEU)  [member # 14450] Correspondence chess : 2380 Ranked # 98 in the rating list. Rating history : 2393 2387 2380 2380 2380 Graph This member has no profile in the social network .
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