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Search There are 72 results for Biryukoff Sergey in the games.Game_135431 Game_135436 Game_135440 Game_135443 Game_135445 Game_135446 Game_135452 Game_135457 Game_135461 Game_135464 Game_135466 Game_135467 Game_135471 Game_135476 Game_135480 Game_135483 Game_135486 Game_135487 Game_135576 Game_135581 Game_135585 Game_135588 Game_135590 Game_135592 Game_135597 Game_135602 Game_135606 Game_135609 Game_135611 Game_135613 Game_135639 Game_135644 Game_135648 Game_135651 Game_135653 Game_135655 Game_137551 Game_137556 Game_137560 Game_137563 Game_137565 Game_137567 Game_137740 Game_137745 Game_137750 Game_137751 Game_137752 Game_137753 Game_142979 Game_142984 Game_142988 Game_142991 Game_142993 Game_142995 Game_143022 Game_143027 Game_143031 Game_143034 Game_143036 Game_143037 Game_143063 Game_143068 Game_143072 Game_143075 Game_143077 Game_143079 Game_143084 Game_143089 Game_143093 Game_143096 Game_143098 Game_143100 There are at least 0 results for Biryukoff_Sergey in the forum. There are 15 results for Biryukoff_Sergey in wikichess. Sergey Biryukoff (2000) h3 d5 Nf3 Transpose to wikichess #31478# ============ Contributors : Sergey Biryukoff
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Ludgate, Alan (IRL)  [member # 9121] Correspondence chess : 2475 SM Ranked # 37 in the rating list. Rating history : 2498 2498 2465 2483 2481 2481 2475 Graph Future rating : 2474 Games : 1 Result : 50 % Perf : 2452 This member has no profile in the social network .
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