Shelf life of hard-boiled eggs

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*hhp    (2010-02-18)

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Shelf life of hard-boiled eggs

Hello, I would like to know the shelf life of hard-boiled eggs. After having forgotten to eat two hard-boiled eggs which were cooked last week, I feel a light odor of flour and I am not sure if one can eat them after one week. You think what of it?

I would like to also know your opinion on the conservation of fresh eggs to the refrigerator, how long one can consume them after the date of egg-laying time?  It appears that that can be toxic after one week if they are eaten fresh but if they are cooked?

Thank you.


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[شلف ليف] من بيضات غير عاطفيّ    (ar)
Dauer der Lagerfähigkeit der harten Eier    (de)
Διάρκεια της συντήρησης των σκλη    (el)
Shelf life of hard-boiled eggs    (en)
Duración de conservación de los huevos duros    (es)
Durata di conservazione delle uova dure    (it)
固ゆで卵の保存性    (ja)
완숙 계란의 저장 수명    (ko)
Duur van behoud van de harde eieren    (nl)
Duração de conservação dos ovos duros    (pt)
Срок годности при хранении hard-boile    (ru)
Hyllaliv av hårdkokta ägg    (sv)
水煮蛋贮藏期限    (zh)

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