Akwai wani abu a bayan mutuwa?

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*bf6632    (2010-03-02)

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Akwai wani abu a bayan mutuwa?

Halo, daƙiƙance da batun Kos, Ba wanda zai iya cewa, lalle, amma ka yi zaton cewa, akwai wani abu a bayan mutuwa, don me?

Akwai wani dalili da addini da tsammaciu mutuwa wani fiye da kome ba, kamar kome ba?  Ba kimiyya da zaɓi mutum wasu hanyoyin kamar bakin mutuwa za shi?

Shi ke nan firgata da tabdi da Za gwaje mula Amma a nawa ra'ayi, wannan shi ne kawai Gaskiya. To, ina son karanta wani raayoyin, ba sa zuciya ba, kamar curious.

Gaisuwa mai yawa.

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