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guest-gokafo    (pop (en), 2010-06-13 19:57:53)
Are the Jonas brothers asian?

Hello, I would like to know if the Jonas brothers are asian, does anyone know something about that? Thank you. (...)

guest-rosubi    (photography, 2010-06-13 19:53:10)
Do memory cards make a difference to camera speed?

Hi, does anyone know if memory cards make a difference to camera speed? Thanks. (...)

guest-jenege    (photography, 2010-06-13 19:39:56)
What is the best DSLR camera for a Realtor?

Hello, does anyone know what DSLR camera is best for a Realto? Thank you. (...)

guest-curusi    (photography, 2010-06-13 19:34:30)
Who invented forensic photography?

Does anyone know who invented forensic photography? Thank you for the answers. (...)

guest-busora    (dance, 2010-06-13 19:29:06)
How can I strengthen my ankles?

Hi, do you know ways to strengthen one's ankles? Thank you very much. (...)

guest-nafuva    (fashion, 2010-06-13 19:22:29)
What do you think about Lady Gaga's clothes?

Hi, just would like to know what you think about Lady Gaga's clothes, quite strange somtimes what you think? (...)

guest-fajono    (photography, 2010-06-13 18:43:36)
Do you prefer black & white photography?

Hi, do you prefer black & white photography to color? If yes, could you explain to me why? Thanks. (...)

guest-nipaba    (rock (fr), 2010-06-13 17:17:24)
Liste des albums de Muse par préférence

Salut, je voulais savoir quel était votre album préféré de Muse, le mien c'est clairement "Absolution", après "Black holes and revelations", puis "Origin of simmetry", "Showbiz" et en dernie (...)

guest-guxixe    (dance, 2010-06-13 17:07:52)
What style of music is best to dance to?

In your opinion, what style of music is best to dance to? Rock? Salsa? Tango? Other? (...)

guest-xicupu    (dance, 2010-06-13 17:03:57)
Is dancing is a social skill?

Hello. Is dancing a social skill according to you? (...)

guest-fugobo    (movies, 2010-06-13 17:02:48)
What does mpeg stand for?

Hi, does anyone know what mpeg exactly means? Thanks in advance. (...)

guest-zacezo    (movies, 2010-06-13 17:02:40)
Who is the bad guy in Spider-Man 3?

Hello, I would like to know who is the bad guy in Spider Man 3, thank. (...)

guest-pitite    (musique, 2010-06-13 16:59:36)
Muse stade de France juin 2010 vidéos

Le concert de Muse au stade de France 2010 a bien eu lieu ce 11 juin et cela a visiblement été l'événement attendu pour tous les fans dont je fais bien entendu partie, mais qui n'est pas encore fan de ce groupe de rock progressif e (...)

guest-regoxa    (movies, 2010-06-13 16:08:05)
How do I convert Hi8 film to DVD?

Hello, I have old Hi8 films that I would like to convert to make DVD, do you know how I can do that? Thank you for your help. (...)

guest-sojiko    (fashion, 2010-06-13 14:53:40)
Who are your favourite fashion designers?

Hi, I just would like to know who are your favourite fashion designers and why... Can you post some links to show me their works? Thanks. (...)

guest-xocoku    (gambling, 2010-06-13 12:35:13)
5 euro free to scratch cards

5 euro free to scratch cards and play slots : (...)

guest-5f711c    (gambling, 2010-03-02 20:36:43)
Best online casinos

Hello, I would like to know what are the best online casinos, the places where you can play real money without any risk of cheating and where you can see accurate statistics to know how the money is distributed and which is the real pa (...)

guest-cazafo    (movies, 2010-06-13 12:20:00)
How many movies did Charlie Chaplin make?

Hi, does anyone know where I can find a full list of the films directed by Charlie Chaplin? Thank you. (...)

guest-comiga    (photography, 2010-06-13 11:28:03)
Extender for canon 70-300 lens?

Hi, do you know an extender that works with a canon 70-300 lens? Thank you. (...)

guest-vugeru    (photography, 2010-06-13 11:09:16)
Is Polaroid film dead?

Hi, is it still possible to find Polaroid films somewhere? If yes, where I can find it? Thanks (...)

guest-nasato    (photography, 2010-06-13 11:07:53)
How you define photographic art?

Hello, I would like to know how you define photographic art. Thank you. (...)

guest-jupaze    (dance, 2010-06-13 09:31:55)
What style of dancing would you like to learn?

Hello all, here is my question: If you have to choose only one style of dancing to learn, which one do you choose and why? Greetings! (...)

guest-cafila    (movies, 2010-06-13 08:46:05)
Who directed Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Hi, do you know who was the director of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest? Is it the 2nd or 3rd film of the series? Thank you. (...)

guest-simiko    (photography, 2010-06-13 07:59:29)
What printers will work with the kodak c533?

Hi, what printers work with the kodak c533 according to you? (...)

guest-xamemo    (photography, 2010-06-13 06:47:04)
Until what age can we pose for sexy photos?

Hi, I just would like to know until what age you think that one can pose for sexy photos. Thank you. (...)

guest-lefofi    (photography, 2010-06-13 05:41:18)
What is a light diffuser?

Hello, I would like to know what is exactly a light diffuser, any idea? Thank you. (...)

guest-jetolu    (movies, 2010-06-13 05:32:11)
How many movies with John Wayne?

Hi, do you have any idea of how many movies John Wayne played in? Thank you. (...)

guest-pekuji    (photography, 2010-06-13 03:13:02)
What is a graflex camera?

Hello, what's a graflex camera exactly? Thank you for your answers. (...)

guest-bocoka    (crafts, 2010-06-13 02:12:40)
Are acrylic paints washable?

Hi, are acrylic paints washable according to you? If yes, how do you proceed? (...)

guest-zegisu    (photography, 2010-06-13 01:51:57)
Can Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ18 be used with infrafilter?

Hi, do you think that it is possible to have good results by using Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ18 with infrafilter? Anyone tried already? (...)

guest-mesibo    (crafts, 2010-06-13 01:40:33)
How do I secure a mailbox?

Hello, I think I've been stolen a few mails recently, I would like to know how you secured your mailbox. Thanks for your help. (...)

guest-cukecu    (fashion, 2010-06-13 00:48:48)
How did coco chanel die?

Hello, I would like to know how did coco chanel die, do you have any idea? Thank you. (...)

guest-futone    (movies, 2010-06-12 23:33:07)
What does NOOMA mean?

Hello, I just would like to know what NOOMA means, do you have any idea? Thank you. (...)

guest-pubutu    (photography, 2010-06-12 23:16:27)
How to develop films in a darkroom?

Hi, I would like to learn to develop films in a darkroom just like photographers did in the past, do you know any guide? Thank you. (...)

guest-silugo    (movies, 2010-06-12 22:34:50)
Who are Clint Eastwood's parents?

Hello, I would like to know who Clint Eastwood's parents are, do you know where I can find more informations? Thanks. (...)

guest-xoxepu    (photography, 2010-06-12 22:18:24)
what is an instant camera?

hi, I would like to know what is an instant camera, do you have any idea? thanks (...)

guest-burepe    (photography, 2010-06-12 20:20:45)
What is your favorite famous photograph ever?

Hi, what is your favorite famous photograph ever? Any idea? (...)

guest-sexume    (photography, 2010-06-12 20:08:42)
Do you hate being photographed and why?

I noticed that many people hate being photographed, why in your opinion? Thank you. (...)

guest-dda9c0    (art autres, 2009-12-09 14:56:23)
Clara Morgane - Nous deux (non censuré)

Voilà le fameux vidéo clip de Clara Morgane pour son titre "Nous deux" qui avait été censuré sur toutes les chaines de télévision et qui du coup a fait le bonheur de Youtube et autres sites de streaming où il a été (...)

guest-dogono    (photography, 2010-06-12 19:06:21)
Does Sigma AF 28-300 fit Sony A100?

Hi, all in topic's title, do you think that Sigma AF 28-300 fits Sony A100? Tank you. (...)

guest-vibegu    (fashion, 2010-06-12 19:03:06)
Who is Oscar de la Renta?

Hello, what do you know about Oscar de la Renta? Who is he exactly? Thanks. (...)

guest-sasiro    (photography, 2010-06-12 18:13:39)
How is a mirror lens different from a regular lens?

All in title, what do you think? (...)

guest-nizija    (appareils électroniques, 2010-06-12 17:32:55)
Caméscope Sony Handycam HDR-CX116E

Bonjour, je voudrais savoir ce que vous pensez du caméscope Sony Handycam HDR-CX116E comparé à ses concurrents actuels par rapport à son prix qui est apparemment au mieux d'un peu plus de 410 euros. C'est un bon choix en rapport qu (...)

guest-muvedo    (cuisine, 2010-05-10 23:11:29)
Comment fait-on la truffade ?

Bonjour, quelqu'un saurait comment on fait la fameuse spécialité auvergnate, j'ai nommé la truffade... enfin je voudrais surtout savoir où on peut trouver la fameuse tomme (ou alors c'est de l'aligot, je sais jamais) qui est utilis (...)

guest-pomusu    (appareils électroniques, 2010-06-12 17:22:25)
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX5V ou HX1

Bonjour, je suis en train de me pencher sur deux appareils photo numérique qui ont l'air assez différents l'un de l'autre malgré leur nom et avec des prix assez comparables, le Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX5V et le Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX1, (...)

guest-ciluru    (appareils électroniques, 2010-06-12 17:18:40)
Avis: Sony a DSLR-A230L

Bonjour, que pensez vous de l'appareil photo numérique Sony a (alpha) DSLR-A230L avec zoom optique 3x et ses 10.2 megapixel. Je le trouve à un peu plus de 320 euros sur internet, c'est une bonne affaire ou pas ? Merci d'avance. (...)

guest-ciluru    (appareils électroniques, 2010-06-12 17:16:49)
Avis sur le Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W310

Bonjour à tous, je voudrais avoir des avis sur l'appareil photo numérique Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W310, qu'en pensez vous rapport qualité prix, qu'est ce que ça vaut en matière de solidité etc... Merci d'avance. (...)

guest-pixoji    (photography, 2010-06-12 17:09:21)
What is photography for you?

Hello, what is photography for you and why are you so interested in? (...)

guest-ea3c72    (sites internet, 2009-09-30 19:15:02)
Parier en ligne : Meilleurs sites

Salut, Que pensez-vous des différents sites de paris en ligne comme Betclic, Sportingbet, Bwin, William Hill, Unibet ou Zeturf ? Faut-il en éviter certains plus que d'autres, quels conseils pouvez-vous me donner pour optimiser mes ch (...)

guest-sovabe    (crafts, 2010-06-12 16:27:14)
Can you paint on galvanized metal?

Hello, do you know if it is possible to paint on galvanized metal? How do you proceed? Thankk. (...)

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