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SocietyPlease select one of the following categories : Economics History Issues Law Organizations People Philosophy Religion and spirituality Women Here are a few interesting websites. Do you maintain a related page ? Last posts in law category : guest-3da696 (2009-08-07 18:27:20) William Muhr, LLP | Personal Injury Since 1988, William Muhr, LLP has successfully handled personal injury cases stemming from automobile, truck, motorcycle, and aviation accidents. 90% of cases are settled out of court. Our aviation attorneys have never lost an aviation case. Visit us on the web: ht*p://www.williammuhr.com guest-b5f10e (2009-04-18 14:06:09) legalx comprehensive resource for locating lawyers and law firms nationwide that can help you with all your legal issues. Search more than 350,000 lawyer listings by geographic location and areas of expertise. Use our extensive Attorney Listings database to find an Attorney Fast. Adam Brown. lawyer directory moderator (2007-02-27 02:09:51) Red Rule legal forms ht*p://www.redrule.com Red rule offering legal forms, and legal advice for you every day needs. moderator (2007-02-18 11:06:42) Intellectual Property Attorneys Sibanda & Zantwijk Intellectual Property Attorneys ht*p://www.zaiplaw.co.za (broken link) A South African BEE law firm that specialises in the commercialisation, taxation, valuation and financing of intellectual property. moderator (2007-01-20 13:02:24) Business Lawyers & Attorneys Business Lawyers, Business Law Firms, Business Attorneys. Find a lawyer, law firm, or an attorney as well as get legal information in business and corporate law. ht*p://business.zhenglawyers.com moderator (2007-01-20 13:00:43) Bankruptcy Lawyers & Attorneys Bankruptcy Lawyers, Bankruptcy Law Firms, Bankruptcy Attorneys. Find a lawyer, law firm, or an attorney as well as get legal information in bankruptcy law. bankruptcy.zhenglawyers.com moderator (2007-01-19 16:56:38) Los Angeles County District Attorney The District Attorney of Los Angeles County is the lawyer for the people, a non-partisan official who is elected every four years. The District Attorney’s Office prosecutes felony crimes throughout Los Angeles County. ht*p://da.co.la.ca.us moderator (2007-01-08 09:03:07) Texas Attorney General Information on the office and its divisions, access to its Criminal Law Update publication, and descriptions of such programs as the Exile anti-gun crime program and the gang member tattoo removal program. ht*p://www.oag.state.tx.us moderator (2007-01-08 09:01:57) National District Attorneys Association NDAA works both legislatively and through publications and training programs to provide a voice for prosecutors and useful information for prosecutors. ht*p://www.ndaa-apri.org/index.html (broken link) moderator (2007-01-06 14:56:30) Phebus & Winkelmann Attorneys at Law Urbana Firm concentrating in plaintiff's personal injury, including medical malpractice, products liability, aircraft, automobile and railroad injuries, and in the field of class actions. ht*p://www.phebuslaw.com
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